ch-13 Kidnapped and saved

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I groggily woke up. I saw I was tied up in a chair. "What.... the hell?" I said, my voice a little hoarse. "Ack! The cute girl woke up!" I opened my eyes to see a ash-blonde haired girl right in face. I looked at her with a blank face. "You know, you've been passed out since 2 days! I guess those injuries took a toll on you didn't they." she said again. Now I remember why I was feeling pain. 

I still looked at her with a blank face then looked at Baku to see whether or not what she said was correct. He nodded and I looked at my body to see that I was now in a black tank top rather than my black sports bra. My wounds were mostly healed, but my arm had scars that looked quite similar to Deku's. "Who the heck changed my clothes?" I asked monotonously. "Ooh ooh! I did! You have such a pretty body! But why do you have so many scars?" Blondie asked. "None of your business." I said. 

Just then, the breaking news showed Bear-san, Dadzawa and Vlad-san talking about the incident. Shigaraki turned off the TV. "It's so strange... Why are the heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark. Is it because of their job to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect? Modern day heroes are so uptight. Don't you think, Bakugo, Todoroki?" he asked as he looked at us. 

"Once heroes receive compensation to protect people, they aren't heroes anymore. That is Stain's teaching." Spinner said. "The strange system of transforming people's lives into money or glory... The society that sticks tight to those rules. The citizens who blame the losers rather than encouraging them. Our fight is to question: What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly just? We'll have everyone think about it. We're planning on winning. You both like winning too, right?  Dabi, release their restraints." Shigaraki ordered. 

I looked at the ebony haired male as my eyes widened. He was the one who set the fire up... His eyes were turquoise just like mine. -He looks a lot like.... Touya nii-san? No, he wanted to become a hero! Why would he become a villain?- I shook the thought out of my mind as Twice removed mine and Baku's restraints. Baku immediately kneed him and threw a huge explosion at Shigaraki, making his "Father" fly out of his face. 

"I listened quietly to your endless talking... Idiots can't get to the point, so they're always talking for a long time. Basically, you mean 'We wanna harass people, please join us.' right? Don't bother. I want to win like All might... No matter what anyone says, that will never change!" he said as I just stood there, doing nothing. I need them to think that I'm gonna join them, then secretly strike. Just then, Dadzawa and Bear-san completed their speech on the TV. "That's right, UA, Mr. Aizawa. That's how it is, you scum of a league!" Baku yelled. I knew they wouldn't kill us, since we're important assets for them.

"Just so you know, both of us are still allowed to fight." he said. "You know exactly what your position is, huh? What a smart boy." Magne said. "No, he's an idiot." Touy- I mean Dabi said. "Even if he wasn't gonna join us, he should've just pretended we were winning him over." Mr. Compress said. "I won't do something I don't want to even if it means faking it. And I don't wanna be in an annoying place like this for very long." Baku said. 

"Father..." Shigaraki trailed off as his hand started to twitch. "Don't Tomura Shigaraki! Calm down!" Kurogiri said. Shigaraki raised his hand and said, "Don't touch them, any of you." He picked up his "father" and tells, "These guys... Are valuable pieces. I wish you would've listened to me a little... I thought we could come to an understanding... " he said. "Come to an understanding? No way." Baku said.

"Then I have no choice. The heroes said they're continuing their investigation on us. We don't have time to talk leisurely. Master, lend me your power." Shigaraki said as he looked at the screen that said 'Sound only'. "Master? You're not the boss around here? That's not funny." Baku said. "Kurogiri, Compress, make him go to sleep." he said. "I can't believe he's such a bad listener." Compress said as he walked towards Baku. 

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