ch-9 hero killer: Stain

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I ran into the alley, there he was, the hero killer. He was fighting Deku. I ran in quickly as Deku fell down, looking paralyzed. "Deku!" I yelled as I jumped and kicked the hero killer in the face. He went flying back a couple of feet. "Are you guys okay?!" I asked as I looked at them. Iida and Native-san were injured badly. I quickly took out some water from one container and healed them a little, enough so that they don't bleed anymore. I'll need help. Mind link! I concentrated on connecting to Sho and it worked! 'Sho, I need help. The hero killer is trying to kill Iida and Native. There's this alley near Manual's hero agency. I believe Deku sent you the location. Come quick!' I told as I got into a fighting position as Stain got up. 'Roger' I heard in my mind as Stain got ready to attack me. He swung his sword at me as I dodged quickly and punched him in the side. Then I kicked his ribs, earning a soft crunch of breaking bones. I gave him some serious burns too.

He grunted but ran towards me again. I dodged his attack again but he used another knife to slice my forearm then kicked my leg harshly, I think it broke. I yelled in agony but didn't stop. He was about to lick the blood but I controlled it then removed it from the knife. I healed my cut so that he couldn't take anymore blood. He took this as an opportunity and went to stab me. But jumped as he saw fire coming towards his way. The fire went through me, it didn't hurt me or something since I have a fire quirk too. "Midoriya, you need to give details when you send your location. It was good that Nii-san explained everything." It was Sho. "Hello brother, glad you made it." I spoke as I turned around. Together, we froze the ground and moved the three behind us, so that they don't get hurt. 

"We won't let you kill these guys, hero killer." We both said. "Todoroki-kun, Todoroki-chan! You can't let him take your blood!" Deku yelled. "I think he paralyzes his opponents by ingesting their blood orally. I believe that's how he got those three. He uses those blades to take blood, huh?" I said. "I can keep distance and-" his sentence gets cut off by me pushing him out of the way of a throwing knife. The knife cut off my bangs that covered my burn scar, but I was unharmed. "How many times have I said this exactly? You don't hurt my brother on my watch. Not until you fight me." I said. "No one hurts my friends." I said with gritted teeth. I took out my katana. "Sword fight, shall we?" I asked as I smirked. Wow, it felt good to see completely with 2 eyes, usually my left eye was covered and I only saw black. Now I could see things clearly. 

We fought for a while, our swords clashing each other till he managed to stab me at my side. I yelled in pain. I didn't have time to react and was paralyzed. "You're a true hero, I won't kill you. But as for the blue-head, he needs to die." Stain said as he walked in Iida's direction, which was behind Sho. He made an ice mountain like in the sports festival. Stupid move.... "That was a stupid move, don't you agree, hero?" Stain asked me. "If I'm being honest, yeah. He blocked his own view of his opponent." I said, knowing he knew already. He broke through Sho's ice. "To block your own view against an opponent faster than you, what a foolish plan." Stain spoke, then he threw daggers at Sho's left arm. "You're pretty good too." he spoke again and went to stab Native but was stopped by Deku. 

Wait, Deku can move again?! "I can move normally for some reason now!" Deku yelled as he dragged Stain through the wall. "A time limit?" Sho murmured. "No, that kid should've been the second last he got." Native spoke. Stain was about to attack Deku again. "Get back Midoriya!" Shoto yelled as he froze the ground again. "I think I know how his quirk works!" I yelled, getting their attention. "It probably depends upon the blood-type he ingests. Paralyzed people, tell me your blood type!" I yelled again. "O" Deku replied. "B" Native said. "A" Iida answered. "Ok, let me think. His quirk works best on either AB or B blood type and least on O blood type." I said. "Smart girl, that's correct." Stain replied. 

Then Deku and Sho discussed something with each other which I didn't hear. Then Deku fought Stain a little till he got cut on his leg. He paralyzed Deku and was about to stab him. I suddenly felt my body back and ran to save him. I ran in front of him, protecting him from the impact. 

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