DekuIidaOcha x Reader - The UA traitors

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I decided to make a diff version of it in my boredom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is the DekuIidaOcha ver. if you haven't read the title -_-

Song in media, check it out :)
Again, like in the previous oneshot, you, Deku, Iida and Ochaco are in a poly relationship, and all of the you had been given multiple quirks by AFO before he was captured.

Some parts and lines are copy pasted from the previous Oneshot.

~Aizawa's pov~
"So you're telling me, you think that one of class 1A is the UA traitor, and that you found a 'song' that would reveal them?" I asked, clearly done with this shit.

"Absolutely! We found a victim of theirs who told us that the LOV was singing a song he had never heard before, he told us he recorded it here in this phone, before we could ask him where the hideout was.. we lost him, he died." Nezu told, looking down sadly as he stared at the phone of the 'victim'. 

"On further inspection, we found out that this song doesn't really exist on the internet, or anywhere else, so we figured that only the members of the LOV, or the villain community at that, knows the song." the little bear continued.

"We asked a certain musician to make an instrumental version of it so the UA teachers can use it and find out who the traitor is." he ended, looking determined while I just rose my eyebrow. "Then what makes you think that a student of class A is the traitor?" I asked. 

He explained how he was sure that one of my children is the traitor. It took about 30 minutes for him to do so. After he told me I was dismissed, I grunted and walked to my class. -This is the shittiest idea ever, but, I'll do it to prove him wrong.- I thought..

~Y/n's pov~
"How are you three so cute?" I deadpanned at my precious boyfriends and girlfriend. The 3 blushed. "We're n-not-" "Don't." I cut Deku off, pulling him to me so I can hug him. Since I was sitting on my seat and he was standing, my face was now buried in his chest.

I could practically feel the heat from his cheeks from here. "It's so hard to believe that y'all are the villains of this story. And that's what makes the story so perfect." I mumbled against his chest then chuckled.

"Hey, I want attention too!" Ocha cried out, pulling the broccoli boi away from me, replacing his warmth with her own. I heard her sigh out of content as she nuzzled into my neck, sitting on my lap. "No fair!" Deku exclaimed, moving Ocha a little so he could also sit on my lap. 

They both giggled before forming a group hug with the three of us in it. Aw my precious beans. "I'm afraid it's time for homeroom. Ochaco, Izuku, please return to your seats." Tenya told softly, as he grabbed them gently by the hand, and off me. They all gave me a small peck on the cheek.

I made a little whining sound, already missing their warmth. The three immediately looked at me. "Aww N/n-chan so precious." Ocha gushed. Then Aizawa entered the classroom. "Today in homeroom we'll be playing a game." he stated.

Curious whispers spread across the room, and I could see Ocha whispering to Tsu. One could say I felt jealous easily as I immediately started glaring daggers at the frog like girl. She seemed to notice this as she turned around to look at me.

I immediately smiled at her, as if I wasn't just plotting her murder, and she blushed, turning back around to face the teacher. -Tch, how pathetic- I thought, facing the board as well, plopping my elbows down onto the table, cheeks on my palms.

"It's called 'sing along if you know this song's beat' it's like karaoke." he explained. Ooh, wonder what this is about. No way it's just some 'game'..~

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