Season 9 Episode 1: Foot After Foot

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Some Time Later...
South Carolina...

"You shouldn't be smoking," Olivia, a 23 year old short but built brunette woman says whole loading a pistol.

"That's what dad said," Owen, a year older than Olivia, agrees. "But why, cuz it'll kill me? Not like taking a piss break on the side of the road is any better for me,"

Owen finishes up and zips his pants up, cigarette in mouth, he takes one last drag and flicks it into a puddle near the edge of the woods. He turns around towards where Olivia was, sitting in the passenger side of the car behind him.

"Yeah, but when you don't have any left and we can't find tobacco to roll, someone gets a little angry," She adds in, releasing the safety on the pistol she's now finished loading and examining.

"You try walking in my shoes," Owen inputs while walking around towards the driver side of the car. He opens the door and sits in the seat, wheel just above where his knees lay.

"You act like I haven't," She argues back. Owen stays silent. Owen looks over to his sister.
"Well, back to it," he says and peels back onto the road.

FEAR THE END: The New Beginning

"You think dad'll like what we got him," Owen asks trying to make conversation.
"Sure, if you think he's not over the whole back in my day faze," She answers.

"I'm pretty sure finding a fucking game boy is a win, and more importantly a damn charger, you thi-," suddenly before Owen could finish speaking, some type of figure runs in front of the car, before Owen could make out what it was, he dragged the steering wheel to the side, drifting the car.

Tired where squealing and the rubber made marks across the road behind it until it came to a complete stop, the cars engine suddenly started to over heat, Owen shifts into reverse and back into drive when smoke starts to come through the hood.

"SHIT! Whatever that was better be damn sorry before I-" again, Owen was cut off by another thing.

A loud bang from the side window, Owen looks out and sees it, one of the undead. Half of it's face melted off and rotted, old, decayed. It's body was so thin, you could see every bone and muscle in its neck.

"Oh shit," Owen grabs his knife from his side and starts to roll the window down a little.
"What the fuck?" Olivia says, she notices a few more of them walking from where the woods start. A couple notice the car and commotion and head towards them.

"Got it," the body falls from eye level with Owen as a thud sound comes from the body hitting the door, then the concrete below the car.

"Owen, we gotta get the fuck outta here," Olivia implies while the rest of the undead come towards the car. The brother grabs his backpack from the backseat and throws his dads gift in, along with the charger,

"Really?" Olivia asks.
"Well yeah, we didn't come all this way, risk our lives and waste time for nothing," Owen snaps back.

From both sides of the car, the doors open as the two siblings get out, both shutting the doors at the same time.

Owen grabs ahold of his knife right while Olivia makes sure the suppressor on her pistol is tight.
"You take right side and I'll handle the left, draw them your way so I can get behind them easier," Owen demands.
"Who the fuck made you in charge?" She asks.
"No time Damnit let's do this,"

Shots from the suppressed pistol rip through the undeads like a knife through butter, the ticking noise from the gun attracted the other undead towards it.

Owen pulls his mask above his nose and mouth and starts to walk towards the undead facing his sister. Owen doesn't have a strong immune system so to make sure he's safe from things at all times, he usually wears a mask his dad made him, or a bandana his mom left behind before she passed.

Some time pass while the duo take out the undead in front of them, clearing enough for them to be comfortable while walking through the rest, getting back on track home, where they were headed.

Owen looks down at his feet, moving forward one after one, his mask still on, blood on his hoodie and shoes, miraculously none on his pants.
"Isn't it crazy, we walk foot after foot, but still no matter how much we walk, we will always end up somewhere we aren't supposed to be," Owen says.
"Don't think about it," his sister answers.
"But just imagine, what life was like before this, dad said it was something he wishes we could of seen, lived in,"

Olivia slings her backpack forward and reaches in, grabs her water bottle and slings the backpack back in place. She takes a sip and looks at her brother.
"Well, I doubt it would ever go back to that, you know, since almost everyone alive, isn't so alive anymore,"

The two shift directions down a different road, one with cleared fields and farms through them all, still in use, and in the distance was a community, wooden walls, an enter gate, and smoke coming from top of some of the buildings.
"But electricity, was so different dad says, I'd fucking die to see what New York was like, you know, before the dead," Owen implies. They walk towards the community, it was their home. Not a super big place, but a decent sized place with a decent amount of people. One of many community's they are allowed in.

"You seen the magazines, I wouldn't wanna be near all those people, never known what could've happened there when it all started," Olivia says.

Getting closer to the community, the smell of barbecue and seasonings filled the air, luckily the undead weren't too active around there today.
"I hope dad likes what we got him," Owen says.
"Me too," The sister adds. "Me too,"

End Of Episode 1...

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