"You look gorgeous my love," Jack said when the coast was clear. Elsa smiled when she saw him looking at her in awe.

"Thank you babe. And you look quite dashing yourself," she said.

He was about to kiss her when she stopped him.

"What?" He pouted.

"I already got lipstick all over Chris, I rather not do that to you too," she said.

"I don't care. It would show the other women at the party that I'm taken," he said to her. Elsa chuckled a bit.

"Alright, fine I'll give you a kiss," she said and Jack stopped pouting then kissed her lips.

"Mommy, daddy stop. That's so gross," Chris said shielding his eyes from the sight of his parents.

They pulled away and saw Chris looking at them. They both laughed.

"Well let's get going now," Jack said. They all grabbed their coats then walked to their car.

Elsa got Chris into his car seat. And once he was all situated she was about to open her door when... Jack beat her to it. He opened the door for her.

"Jack! You really don't need to open the door for me," Elsa said.

"Yes, I do Els," he said and kissed her cheek then shut the door once she was in the car. It reminded her of old times when they first started dating.


Jack and Elsa were going on their first date and they were going to the ice skating rink. Jack was picking her up at her house.

*ding dong*

Elsa got up from the sofa and walked to the door seeing Jack through the peephole made her grin.

"Hey," Elsa smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back.

"Ready to go?" He asked.


After locking the door they walked towards Jack's car. Jack unlocked the car doors and opened the passenger door for her.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome," he said grinning at her.

Once they arrived at the skating rink, Jack parked his car and got out to grab the door for Elsa.

"Jack, you don't have to open and close the doors for me," Elsa said.

"Yes I do," he said grinning at her. She shook her head.


"Because a part of being a gentleman is being kind and opening a door for his girlfriend," he said shutting the door after she got out and grabbed her hand.

"Why do you always say that?" He asked.


"That I don't have to open and close doors for you," he said.

"Oh... because it's weird and I'm not used to it," she said.

"Well, if you're going to be dating me then... it's time to start getting used to me opening and closing doors for you," he grinned and kissed her cheek.

Elsa was smiling as well.

~End Flashback~

He walked over to the drivers side and got into the car to then start it. Once the car was started Jack began driving. He held Elsa's hand as he drove like he always did.

Jelsa One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें