Chapter THIRTY EIGHT:The Soviet

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Archer West

Since Drackov had been a no show at our arranged meet up before the raid, I had decided to get the answers I needed from Iris instead..
With Honey in hospital I haven't been able to bring myself to go back there and see her, since I took her in and they hooked her up to the monitors.. She has looked so fragile, like a broken doll, laying there under the harsh medical center lights.. And it was all my fault..

The fact that I can't bring myself to do it just re-enforces the notion that I'm nothing but a shithead who doesn't deserve a woman like her. And that I can never give her the perfect life she should have..

Unfortunately for Iris, she's the one copping the punishment of my shitty mood.. "You said the schematics contained in the encrypted files, were for a monstrosity of a weapon.. That the world hadn't seen anything like it before.. I know Asher was into some heavy trafficking, but none of this world ending shit.. So what exactly are we dealing with?"
Iris scowls, looking down at her nails.. "No Iris. Not this time. I've gone in dark for you before, hell, I usually prefer not to ask too many questions.." I shake my head at her..
This is not one of the times I will blindly follow Iris's orders, you'd think she'd be used to it by now.. Apparently not.. "This time there is too much at risk. You need to fill me in, and you need to do it now.."

She sighs, getting up she crosses the office floor and closes the door before returning to her seat behind the desk.. "Very well.. When Drackov was in holding he requested to speak with me directly.. I was curious, naturally.." I lean forward in my seat and watch her so she knows I'm listening.. "He told me there was going to be an underground auction for a new type of bio weapon. One with an AI so powerful, it would be capable of targeting and destroying every capital city of every country in a single perfectly synchronised attack, within minutes.."
The magnitude of this threat is not lost on me.. I have seen first hand the impacts of bio weaponry, the clean up, the toxicity, the illnesses.. A weapon of this scale would be an unprecedented doomsday device.. "The auction intel checked out... So we made an agreement with Drackov that in exchange for his freedom, he would bring us more information.."

I haven't forgiven her for that.. Not even close... "Look how well that worked out.." I grumble, mostly to myself but a little for her benefit too.

"I agree, it wasn't ideal.. But he did provide additional information.. He was the one who sent us Honey's necklace and the note with Bexley's initials.."

I force a flat laugh and fix her with a 'I call bullshit' stare.. "Not exactly the information you were hoping for and he fucking knew it.."

She doesn't bat an eye.. "Maybe so.. But now we have a tracker on him, and we know why Bexley wants that key so badly.. A weapon like that would be worth billions.. And in the wrong hands.."

I know what she's getting at.. I should make her sweat.. But it's a trade of information and to get what I want I have to give Iris what she needs.. "He won't have the key.. Not yet anyway... Honey didn't know it when he took her and if she worked it out, she must not have told him because we both know she would be dead if she had.." I glare at her.. Understanding her position doesn't make it any easier..

She brushes her hair back and gives me her empathetic eyes.. "Archer, I can not apologise for making the tough decisions.. You could step up into my position at any time and give it a try.. But you already know it's not that simple.." She looks out towards the main office floor, suddenly, in the shifting light, I can see the stress wearing on her, the dark circles under her eyes stand out.. "There is a reason I'm on this side of the desk.. And it's got nothing to do with qualification.."

I have to admit she's right, being team leader is one thing, but being the boss.. Fuck that. "You've got me there.. So what's my next move then, boss?" I lean back in my chair and wipe the hardness from my expression.. For Iris's sake, I'll let this go.. For now.

"Patrick called, West.. She's awake, Honey is awake.." My breath stutters for a surprised second an my thoughts race with questions, none of which seem to come out of my mouth..

"I need you to go see her.. Find out what happened to her.. Find out what she knows.." Her voice softens and for a second I think she's going to cry.. But she just adds quietly.. "Find out.. If she is alright.."

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