Chapter THREE: The Send-off

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Honey Sinclaire

The funeral service is beautiful, complete with white lilies and heartfelt speeches about the many great accomplishments of Alex Carrington.
You spend the entirety of the time trying to keep your eyes from travelling across the church pews to Archer.. He is seated at the front alongside a stunning older woman, who you assume to be the former Mrs Carrington and whom you would hazard a guess, is Archers mother.. Not that there is much of a resemblance between the two..
She is fine featured, fair and whippishly slender, while Archer is darker in complexion, brunette and well built..

As the procession closes the family stand and move to take their place by the church doors, ready to accept condolences from each of the attendees..

You are far too nervous to face Archer again after the awkward exchange in Alex's office earlier and attempt to slip by unnoticed while they are distracted by the sympathies some of Alex's old golfing buddies.

You make it to the bottom of the stairs before hearing your name being called behind you and you realise you've been unsuccessful in making a clean getaway..
"Miss Sinclaire! Honey, dear!"

You turn, plastering a soft, apologetic smile on your face.."Mrs Carrington.. I am so sorry for your loss, if there is anything I can do.."

She reaches out and pets your shoulder gently, "Please dear, call Me Iris. I appreciate you being here today, I know Alex loved you as if your were his own flesh and blood.."
Her short blonde bob is flat-ironed to sleek, silken perfection before it is caught in the cool afternoon breeze, whipping about her high, sharp cheekbones..

"Oh, Iris, that means so much to me, thank you.."  Your eyes become watery and you feel your throat tighten, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. Its just, Alex was the last 'family' I had left.. Now I just feel, a little lost.."

She squeezes your shoulder, "You're not alone dear, I know we've only just met, but Alex told me so much about you, I feel I already know you.. I would very much like for us to be friends.. Anybody who Alex cared for so much, must be worth knowing.."

You are a little taken aback since Alex never mentioned her to you, but her kindness warms your heart.."I--That is so kind of you..I would like that very much.."  You smile at her appreciative and earnest, feeling a little stronger and a little more confident..

She claps her hands together in a pleased clasp.. "Wonderful.. Oh, and you must join us for the reading of Alex's final wishes.. Tomorrow morning, at the estate.."

As tou open your mouth to respond, the confidence drains from you in less than a second when you hear his unmistakable gruff voice behind you, "Iris! There you are, where the fu--"

You whirl around, turning back towards the church to see Archer, his impossibly handsome face set in a frustrated scowl as he marches towards the two of you..

He stops short as his disapproving gaze falls on you and you stare at each other, caught in a trance for several slow-motion moments, before an irritated Iris speaks and the spell is broken as quickly as it had been cast.."Archer, Darling!" Her words are welcoming but her tone low and scolding, while he continues to frown through a forced, disingenuous apology..

"My apologies, I didn't mean to interrupt.." His posture is rigid and tense, his shoulders stiff and his chin held high.. You feel as if he is not sorry at all and in fact he would rather be anywhere else, anywhere you aren't..

You focus on calming your flipping stomach, which twists and flutters excitedly at the proximity to him, even though he avoids meeting your eye..
All the while, Iris simply ignores his sour mood, "Darling boy, come and meet Honey.." She coos your name fondly, almost mocking him and you have to suppress a smirk at the way she handles him, like a practiced expert..

"We've met." He tosses a quick glance and a stiff nod in your direction, before returning his attention to Iris..

"Oh? Then I certainly hope you were much more gracious during your first meeting, and not such a sullen sod.." She pokes Archer in the chest and laughs a little when his forehead creases with contempt..

You feel a little bad for him, watching his mother goad him at his own fathers funeral, so you make an effort to lighten the odd family tension, "We met at Carrington Corp earlier today.. I wasn't feeling well, but your son was.. Well, he was very kind.."

Archers glimmering green gaze snaps to yours, clearly confused by your defending of him.. To be honest, you are a little confused by it yourself..

"I see.." She gives Archer a sly grin but quickly turns back to the conversation, "Well, I was just inviting Honey here to the will reading at the estate tomorrow.."

Just then one of Alex's old work associates calls out, beckoning to Iris. She excuses herself and turns to leave, not before prodding Archer one last time..

"Perhaps you could offer to drive Honey to the reading tomorrow, you know, since you both live uptown.." And with that, she walks away, looking pleased with herself. Leaving Archer and you alone, stranded in a strained awkward silence in the centre of the church courtyard..

"I will pick you up after work.." He grumbles unhappily ans you wave a hand to dismiss the offer.. You'd rather not continue this forced proximity, especially if it is so utterly unbearable to him to be in your presence..

"Oh, you really don't have to do that.. It's not really nessicary.. I can find my own way--" Even as the words leave your lips, they taste like lies.. You aren't sure you will ever find your way again without Alex to guide you.. You arw adrift, alone and afraid..

Archer doesn't take no for an answer, determined to fulfill his mother's expectations.. "I'll see you at six, Miss Sinclaire."

Hunting for Honey - THE SPECTER SERIES [book one]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon