He clearly didn't like me saying that to him...too bad.

"Okay. Want to know what I like about Achille. It is his innocence and captivating nature. He was full of so much life and vigor. Despite those times he stood out and could've possibly made something of himself if he wasn't held down by his feeble family. So, I saved him - expecting him to cling to me and he mine; but-."

"Instead you thought it'd be smart to kill his dad too. Yeah, that's a good way to win someone's heart. Idiot." I hiss at him, and he hissed back.

It was interesting to me because before I used to be...a little afraid of him. Now I have no fear. I look down at him and I am not threatened in the slightest.

"I liked that despite him being changed he didn't abandon his family. He stayed with them and put himself through the torment of probably wanting to drink their blood, but couldn't. Honorable in my book." Sabin smirks, though I found him to be repulsive.

That's when I look at the clock, and I suddenly see the curtains in his house lift up. I see Sabin walk towards them and peel them back.

Revealing Aurelie, she grins at him.

"You are a pretty little girl, Aurelie was it?" Sabin asks her, crouching before her. She nods at him. "I remember when you were just a newborn. Now look at you...already looking like you're three and you're not even a year old. Being a hybrid sure is fascinating."

Aurelie just looks at him - that's when I see her glance at me. I nod, and she was quick to cradling his face. He flinches by such a thing except he should be thanking her. If it wasn't her than he'd experience pain more than necessary.

"S'il vous plaît - détendez-vous." ( Please - relax. ) She asks of him gently. I wasn't sure if Aurelie knew what she was doing for us, but...I hoped not.

I abruptly hear the front door slam open, and I see Sabin's eyes become all-whites. Same went for Aurelie and I knew she had him in a mindset that kept him from what was to come.

His death.

I watch Achille enter the room now. Sabin was still under the trance Aurelie placed on him and her eyes were closed. Could tell Sabin wanted to pull away, but couldn't.

That's when I see one of Achille's eyes become black. One side was normal while the other was black, black nerves beginning to pulse harshly. I instantly knew that Achille and Achilles were sharing this moment together.

I move to the side as Achille goes before Sabin. I watch as his fingers grip the bottom part of his mouth. His other hand rested on the top of his mouth and I felt myself beginning to cringe.

I rush to Aurelie and pull her away. Her eyes opened again and I saw that they were all white. When I glance at Sabin I saw his eyes were all white too. Though he screamed when Achille began to pull.

Just seeing him do such a thing was startling. Especially since Achille and Achilles were both sharing this moment...

"Achille I'm sorry for your family okay?! I'm sorry for everything!" Sabin cried out, and I instantly see Achille frown.

It was confusing because I could tell he was conflicting with Achilles maybe. I don't know if he knew about him now. I don't think so...

"You apologize now?" I hear the painful tone of Achille's voice, but also the angry tone of Achilles. I see tears streaming from the normal eye will the black one began to fester through half his body.

"It's better than me not apologizing at all." Sabin hisses.

"What about the other lives you ruined? Oscar? I can't imagine the others. You think apologizing to me now will save your life?" Achille questioned him as he let go of his mouth. Sabin began to slowly heal, but I saw Achilles intentions.

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