Chapter 18

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Amaya's P.O.V

"So now nobody know how to speak?" I said crossing my arms

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"So now nobody know how to speak?" I said crossing my arms. Kentrell would fuck some shit up like it's my sisters birthday why are you here ?

"Mane you know why I'm here." Kentrell says looking at Kaniya then me. Shaking his head he shoves past us and walks outside I know it's not smart but I follow him.

"What is your goal Kentrell? Why do you like constantly fucking shit up?" I could never understand what was going on in his head.. I could never understand why I let him get to me.

"Mane what are you talking bout?" He sucked his teeth mugging me.

"I haven't been happy since you came back in my life! Why are you here? What are you gaining?" I shout I'm all out of tears so I can't cry but I'm feeling every kind of emotion in the book. I wanted to punch him in the fucking face.

"Why is it every time you feeling something it's my fault?" He asked like he was really lost.

"Your joking right ? Kentrell for years I gave you chance after chance I showed you good I was there when you was at your lowest and you know what you threw it all in my face one girl pregnant right after the other... you brought me to this I've never hated someone so much in my life... I thought there was something wrong with me but there's something wrong with you I don't know who hurt you and why you holding on so tight to it but I'm so over it... you will not pop in and out of my daughters life I will not allow that and if you think I will you got this all fucked up. I tried to be the bigger person and let you see her and be there but just like you do you fucked it up by saying she ain't yours by not showing up or coming to get her. Please just leave if you want to see her have Boomer contact me from now on... I'm done Kentrell.." I let most of it out because if I say anymore I won't know if I'm hurting my feelings or his.

"What did I tell you from the jump Amaya? I told you let me love you from a distance. You don't hate me so don't say that shit but you right I did some shit I can't fix but my daughter is my daughter and I'm gonna work on my self for her and I'm gonna be there for her every event, every birthday, everything." He said stepping closer to me so I step back.

"Well now you can love me from a distance.. I'll believe it when I see it goodbye Kentrell." I say standing my ground I wasn't changing my mind about this.

"Bye Amaya." Shaking his head he walked to his car got in and pulled off. Letting the breath I was holding out I close my eyes taking a minute before walking back in the house.

"Where's Amani?" I say getting everyone's attention.

"Her and Boomer went upstairs." Kayla said

"Okay Tray and Ant y'all got some explaining to do." Taking my baby from Ant's hands I sit on the couch waiting for them to follow suit.

Boomer's P.O.V

"He's my friend Mani

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"He's my friend Mani." I sighed grabbing her waist pulling her close. We've been arguing non stop lately everything I do is wrong.

"And she's my sister Trulondrick!" She shouts pulling away.

"My government really? Dats what the fuck we doing ?" No longer looking at her I just shake my head. I'm honestly getting tired of this shit every little thing come on now.

"You never just listen to me... you think I just say shit to piss you off ?" She says grabbing my face so I'm looking at her.

"Truthfully yes... mane I need some space happy birthday." I remove her hands from my face before getting off her bed and walking out the room. When I reach down stairs Ben, Joe, Quando, Kd, and Three all look at me. "We out lets go." I say and they nod not asking any questions.

"Where you going?" Amaya asked standing up

"Don't worry bout it. Y'all have fun but we out." I said kissing Kaniya's cheek before walking out. I love Amani with all my heart but we can't go one day with out her complaining about some shit. I get Amaya her sister but why we gotta always make they issues ours. If that's the case then maybe she should just leave cause I been here for Trell before she came around he like blood to me.

"You good?" Ben asked shoving me to get my attention three said we was headed to the studio Kentrell went there earlier.

"I'm straight mane tired of arguing though." Ben out of all people should know how I feel when is him and Kayla not arguing and he love her so much he willing to kill for her literally almost got locked up twice for that.

"Y'all gonna be straight it's just a lot going on right now." He said before the car went completely silent what we saw in front of us left everyone completely speechless. "Ain't no fucking way?" Ben said under his breath.

"Mane someone call nine one one." Three said jumping out the car running down the steep hill the car was flipped over smoke coming from it.

"Nine one one how may I help you." A ladies voice came from the other side of my phone.

"There's been a car accident... the car is flipped over." I could barley breath or see anything.

"Is the person still in the vehicle?" What type of dumb ass question is that I wouldn't fucking call if there was no one in the vehicle.

"Yes but I can't really see anything cause of the smoke." Everyone was out of the car now Quando sat on the moist grass near the car while Ben, Three, Kd, and Joe argued on how they gonna help.

"Where are you?" She asked

"I don't really know it's like a wooded area just off of post.." running my hand down my face shaking my head.

"Ok do you know the person in the car?"


"Can we get a name... help is on the way."

"Kentrell Gaulden..."

A/N y'all I've had this here for weeks I've just been so busy with college stuff I'm so tired I have no idea if this is good or if I should keep going but enjoy... comment and vote ❤️

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