Chapter 7

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Kayla's P.O.V

It's been exactly two weeks since Trell found out about Kaniya and he seemed happy. At least that's what he's letting everyone believe but lyric ended up breaking up with him and Miss Dirty Iyanna made her way back into the picture. I thought I couldn't stand Lyric but Yaya this bitch blows minds. And Amaya only talks to him if it has to do with my god baby.

I've been sleeping over Amaya's house for the simple fact of not wanting to be around Joe. I mean don't get me wrong the love I have for my older brother is unreal he taught me everything I know and made sure no one even thought about hurting me. If anyone tried to take him away from me it's on sight but right now I couldn't even look at him without feeling like I'm failing everyone around me.

Momma Smith tells me everyday that I'm an amazing person and sometimes I gotta be selfish then she jokes about having Daddy Smith on a leash. He sucks his teeth but agrees before calling her a mean ass. She would tell me and Amaya when we were little to be careful what we let slide because we teaching people how to treat us and that's what I've been living by until I met Ben something told me he was gonna break down all my walls and leave me here broken and I should've listened.

"Ayla." Prince walked towards me with a juice box in his hand holding it out for me to open it. Amaya was in the shower, Kaniya was sleep so was Mani and London, and prince was supposed to be with his daddy while momma went grocery shopping.

"Where's daddy Bubba?" I say opening his juice before trying to hand it to him but he just put his mouth on the straw while I held it. Prince didn't talk much he can say names but other then that he didn't know much due to a condition he was born with, no he's not slow he knows his colors and can write his name out on paper he just doesn't talk. So he shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the TV.

An hour later
"Y'all come help me with these groceries!" Momma Smith came through the door with no bags in ha hands and a smile on her face when she see Prince running to her. I looked at her like she had three heads. " don't look at me like that the bags in the car Andiamo!"  She says picking up prince mumbling where's ya lazy ass daddy under her breath while walking to the kitchen.

I slip on my slides and walk out to her car with Amaya a annoyed Mani and sleepy London following me.

"Well look what we got here boys." Demetrius the neighbor said his eye solely on me.

"What you want can't you see we ain't in the mood and I got a nigga." Mani sassed

"Man ain't no one ask all dat. Y'all sliding to my party tonight?" Metrius said acting like he ion live next door and Daddy Smith won't come shoot they wannabe gang banging asses up.

"Where at ya house?" Maya spoke up.

"Nah my Aunt outta town so we having it over there. Y'all coming or not." He said wit an attitude.

"That attitude was not needed and I don't see why not." Mani over here speaking for all of us like what if I had somewhere to be ?

"Ight imma fuck witchu." He said giving me a once over before walking away.

We brought the groceries in and of course Momma Smith was yelling at Daddy Smith saying he know better then to leave they son unattended and that she told him not to be in here counting money and rolling weed especially when there are babies in the house.

To say this happens often well yeah it happens more then it should. Momma Smith hated when he would ignore Prince but he would just say he ain't ask for him and piss everyone off but today he looked bout hurt about this. When he reached for Prince he would just hold tighter to his mommy.

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