Chapter 30: JungshOOk

Start from the beginning




Y/N's mom is in an alley, hiding in a white van. She is waiting for Y/N to walk by, who was on her way to Jungkook's parents' house to force him to sign divorce papers.

Y/N mom: "I don't know if I can do this." She says under her breath while playing with her fingers. 

She was considering backing out at the last minute, but her greed pushes her on... which gets her mind back on the task at hand. They could not allow a divorce to happen. If she divorces, no one gets the money. 

Tears stream down her face because she knows she is about to cause pain to her only child. Everything was set up. The area where she had to walk was strategically blocked off so that passersby cannot see what is going on.

As Y/N walks by, her mother - dressed in all black - stealthily runs up behind her and stabs her in her back, making sure to not hit any vital organs.

Her mom thought she was careful, however Y/N started to bleed heavily and fainted. She stood there over her daughter for a few seconds with her hand over her mouth stunned at what she had done. She started to panic and pace back and forth. After taking some deep breaths, she was able to run back to the white van. She sat in the back of the van and began shaking and wailing. She knew it was wrong. She couldn't believe what she had done.

Y/N mom: "Driver. Please take me home." she said with a crackling voice.

 The van drove off.

***End of flashback***


Y/N dad: "She gets the award for mother of the year. At least she knew to stab her where it wouldn't kill her. I just took care of the rest with your boot."

Jungkook: "Oh. My. God.... YOU kicked her in her face! you broke her ribs!? What was the purpose of all of that?"

Y/N dad: "Well... she was on her way to deliver divorce papers... and her dumb mom panicked and didn't take the documents. Her mom didn't do a good enough job to complete the task. Stupid woman." He says and rolls his eyes.

Y/N dad: "I had to retrieve the papers myself... not before kicking her a few times. I couldn't let that divorce happen. I needed her to be incapacitated until the money came. Unfortunately for me, Y/N is too strong willed to be taken down easily."

Jungkook: "What did you do with the papers?"

Y/N dad: "Shredded them... then burned them.... there is no trace of them left. He shrugs.

Y/N dad: "And NOW there are only a few days left... before the money is transferred." He smirks. Jungkook is horrified by this revelation.

Jungkook: "You are despicable."

Y/N dad: "I don't care what you think. Go on divorce her after that. I don't care."

Jungkook: "You were going to frame ME for that crime, and I would never be able to help my parents." He paces back and forth and runs his hands through his hair.

Y/N dad: "Bingo... I decided to keep the money myself once I knew Y/N was trying to divorce you.... you are such a naive little boy-."

While Y/N dad was in the middle of laying out his plan, the police stormed into his office with guns drawn. They signaled Jungkook to leave the room. Before he walked out, he had one last thing to say.

Jungkook: "Officers, this man attacked my EX-WIFE." He points to Y/N's dad.

Y/N Dad: "EX-wife?"

Jungkook: "We divorced yesterday."

Y/N dad: "You set me up!" He roars.

Jungkook: "Yep" He smirked and walked out of the room.


OK y'all, how did Y/N get Jungkook to get on her side of the fight???????

NOTE: I was going to wait until the weekend to write this short chapter, but I HAD to do it. I hope it makes sense and you like it. 

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