chapter 43

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Looking at her I waited for her to keep talking after she took her breath filling her lungs with the much needed air.
I sat there the whole time.
Not saying anything but just litsening which was a skill that I so much carried around with me.

"Until last year at the end of it when you came around working for him and everything in him changed.
I could feel it he looked happier and I wondered why until I found that you were the reason.

He stopped giving my existence attention and gave his undivided one to you.
I tried getting at you but there was like this armed barrier that was and still is protecting you that we can't get through even now when you are sitting right across me.

You are unreachable.
You were too perfect. Trained. Not put down easily and mostly not naive at all.

Like I said too perfect and I hate to admit it but my son hit the jackpot.

So I had to summon then dead in order for him to cave in but she was too powerful.
Mona went and built her own weath out of whatever she was doing where she was and when she heard that I was in need of her she came back a little bit too eager and that was when I noticed it.

When it was too late.
Mona has the power to take me over and I brought it upon myself when I contacted her.
Gave her a way to come back around.

She is also still deeply inlove with my son and she hates the fact that he is happy with you.
She doesn't give a crap about Cyril and she will do anything in her power to have Lucas just for herself.
Even if it means killing you or kidnapping your child or just both.

So no I did not send snipers at your place.
Mona did.

But I did kill your friends because they were involved in something bigger than you would think and leaving them alive was just not an option." She said looking at me.

I almost screamed.

She lied.
She had been lying all along.

My friends that were killed in a car accident weren't the same as the ones she was talking about.

I could feel the anger bubbling inside me making my blood boil.
Looking at her the quietness that had engulfed the room subsided as I felt a growl at the back of my throat.

I knew if I could shapeshift and rip her head from her body I could have done it.
Amandine and her boyfriend were beaten to death.
They weren't killed in a car accident and that was making me even more agitated.

I needed to know more.
Why she killed my friends and how she knew about the car accident that happened years ago even before she was in the picture.

Years even before I met Lucas okay maybe I was a little bit exaggerating since it was just one year but still.

"Who killed Amandine?" I asked looking at her after my anger had cooled down enough to give me room to talk.

I could still feel my breath uneven and thoughts swirled in my head.
What if she was actually the one who killed them.
With her own hands.
What if she was the one who hired those people to do it.

Because at this point I knew and even saw in her eyes that she was hidding who and what caused the death of my friends.
I knew it was not my job to go digging for answers after she mentioned that they were involved in something bigger than I knew but I just couldn't help it at all.

Looking at me she moved her head back in surprise because she probably did not expect me to be so blunt.
So sudden without beating around the bush.

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