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"So you think of yourself too high?" He asked leaning on his table.

His well tailored suit fitted him nicely but that didn't change what I was feeling.

"Can I ask why you think of that?" I asked clenching my teeth.

He was making me go rouge.

"The fact that you are acting like you know everyone even on your first week" he said walking to his chair to sit down.

Facing me was his face.
Clean shaven face.

"Making friends was all that I did.
And I think there is nothing wrong in what I did" I said ready to walk out.

Ready for him to dismiss me.

"There is.
Here we don't mix friendship with work or else you get fired the moment you start your own squads.
This job is no joke and we take that as serious as how my face is" he said looking at me.

If looks could kill I would have been six feet under.

His stares were menacing hell he looked like he was irking.

His face looked rather angered than serious.

"Okay then no friends" I murmured to myself.

I didn't even make friends.

The first person who was kind enough to talk to me was chased away by this hungry vulvuture.

He could go fuck himself.

Even on my first week he was making my life miserable.

"I said do I make myself clear!" He shouted  banging the table with his palms.

Boi couldn't he just take a chill pill.

I took a step behind

If he wanted to explode at least he could do it but not while I was here.

I didn't come here to be shouted like a child.

"For your own good please sir don't raise your voice at me.
I refuse that.
I am a well grown woman I know exactly what to do on a job.

I didn't get a degree for nothing so if you keep raising your voice at me then you might think of doing other wise.

I am not a child.
I do know what is called no fun in business and that was exactly what I did.

If someone waving at you while you are passing and you wave back it is not called bringing fun in your business.

It is called a friendly act." I finished breathing hard.

Whoa that was a speech.

When I looked at him his face was red almost about to burst.

Yeah I kept my self in a lion's mouth.

"Talk to me like that again and hell will break loose.
You are lucky enough I didn't fire you.

Now get out" he said in a dangerous tone.

The tone that had you cowering away.

Hell it made me feel the unpleasant feeling.
But one thing he didn't know was that i was never the one to back down.

For a minute I held his gaze.

He looked like he wanted to slice my body into many pieces but I was not going to give him the satisfaction.

When I broke eye contact I walked out.

Like a savage I was.

I walked out and left his door open.

Now close it bitch!


Guys tell me what you think about it.

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