chapter 26

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"What is going on and why are you all in my house right fucking now" I said narrowing my eyes to the five grown asses in my house.

All standing in my sitting room as if they mopped or owned the place.

I rose a brow.

From the time I was fired from work and Lucas forcing to move out of the house which was three days ago if I am right I decided to fetch my son.

It was about time I did it and goodness was I happy again to have him bouncing in the house again.

I had missed his messy self and how he always disarranged the boxes of cereal.

That was two days ago in the morning and after texting my mother that I was coming to pick up my son then drop him to school she was delighted.

Dont even ask me why.

That was two days ago.

"Dont you guys have somewhere to be?" I asked them and the dismissal tone in my voice didn't go unheard.

"We are here to take you either by force or if you like it" my father said looking at me.

I looked at him in shock

"You cant be possibly be sidding with these men" I said looking at him.

"Baby you know you are in danger.
I had this discussion with your mother and she agreed with me.
Stay with him it's the best decision" he said looking at me.

I almost teared up.

How could he just side up with a stranger and not even talk to me about it first.

"So what now?. I am supposed to leave my social life and leave everything behind just to move in with that guy?." I asked looking at my father.

He didnt answer he just gave me a defeated look.

"Yep" Ethan said. He was probably the only one with enough guts to answer which earned him my purse in his face.

"Shut the fuck up" I breathed out.

"And what about my son?
I just got him am I supposed to throw him at you guys again?" I asked my dad and a tear slid down.

Damn it.

I felt defeated.

"Come here" my father said as he engulfed me in his arms.

"I can't believe you are siding with them" I said in his chest as I cried.

Yeah i cried infront if men so what.

I was mentally exhausted as much as I tried to hide it anger brought it all out.

"They dont want Cyril Anaïs.
They want you and if they come for you and find him they might take him out too" my brother said literally two steps away from where I had sat.

"And then what?" I asked looking at the rest of them.

"What is going to happen to the people I know.
My family.
They are going to ask them where I am and if they dont talk they might harm them and then what?" I asked specifically glaring at Lucas.

"Look I might be a mess right now but I calculate my moves.
Right now might not even be the best time for me to make drastic changes" I said wiping my face with the wet wipes I had on the coffee table.

"Oh it is" my brother said sliding his laptop and as if what lucas told me three days ago was gibberish I saw my name scrapped off on the screen of his laptop and by scrapped off I mean two lines crossing it.

The Tangled AssistantNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ