chapter 11

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So if some of y'all dont know the pain of having fresh braids dont talk at all.

I didnt want to apply heat on my hair for too long so I decided to make twists braids and well I had a terrifying headache.

Looking at the watch I noticed that we had little time left until the office closes and I was so ready to leave this place for the first time in peace.

Five reached and I walked into Mr Rengozili's office to tell him that I was done and heading home.

Knocking twice I entered and found him head bent in the computer's screen with glasses on and light directly shining on his face.

At the sound of my voice his head jerked up and when he took in the words I said he nodded his head and I turned to leave.

"Wait" he said and from a far I heard the door click shut.

Fucking hell.
What now.

"I saw you with Marcus today" he said and clapped twice.

The lights came on but this time beaming low.

"How does that concern me?" I asked my Hands on my hips.
I really wanted to know why he was indirectly telling me that his eyesight still worked.

I dont give a fuck at all.
Okay maybe just a little.

"I told you to stay away from that man Anaïs but you being the stubborn woman you are you never listen" he said getting closer.

I rolled my eyes and stood my ground.

"Are you going beyond your limits Sir?
Because last time I check you are my boss not my dad" I said tapping a foot in disapproval.

I was getting impatient and my baby was waiting for me.

"That is not what you were saying last time" he said bringing me closer with his hand.

My knees went weak.

Please stop touching me.

Raising my face to meet his I stared into his striking green eyes.

They always manages to capture my attention.

"You have a dirty mouth Miss Mayer and I'm going to ram it clean" he said and with that our lips connected into a tender yet aggressive kiss.

I felt it shake every bone in my core and made me even weaker into his arms.
I could feel my knees buckling and my heartbeat ten times faster.

His hands snaked to my ass as he grabbed it and I struggled with the buttons of his clothes.

Mostly his trousers.

Damn today he looked good and I planned to show it to him as I felt his manhood rising and every time I looked at him it always scared to know that this man had more than six fucking inches.

Seriously its like he carried a mid hand with him.

This time it would be a quick because I really needed to go home badly.

I missed my son.

I felt his fingers massaging my entrance that was still covered with the lace thong I kept on today which was getting tighter really.

He was torturing me as he drew circles and massaged my clit at the same damn fucking time.
Whh this again.

"Its either you make this quick or I'm fucking leaving." I said panting for dear life.
He was seriously going to kill me if he continued like that.

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