chapter 12

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"Malia" he said her name as if he knew her and she did not look pleased at all to hear it coming from his mouth.

"How do you know my name!" She asked more like demanded.

"Come on sweety lying that your name is candy in a club doesn't sound so smart at all" he said looking at her up and down.

"Well good to know that you are not stupid after all" she said and rolled her eyes.

"I'm leaving" she said looking at me.

She didnt look so happy at all.

I raised a brow at her and she didn't even notice my questioning glare.

As she opened the door and before I could tell her that its the wrong door she came face to face with my boss and he crossed his hands looking down at her.


"How are you Lucas?" She asked as she pulled him in a hug that he gladly accepted as he hugged her back.

When the fuck did these people get to the level of hugging.
Most of all how did they know each othe to this level.

"Fine you?" He asked as he looked at the situation.

"Not so good after all.
I just came to drop off food and I saw an asshole" she said pointing at Ethan.

He actually wasn't.

"So my bestfriend gets a hug and all I get is an angry stare?" He asked and looked my way pouting.

I shrugged my shoulders.

The whole time I didnt say anything because I was still trying to put together what happened exactly.

"Why leave so early I ordered food and since you are here you are eating" he said as he moved in my not so big office and got comfortable in a seat.

"Some Chinese coming in few" he said and I could feel the tension in which I tried to make some small conversations between the three grown asses in the room.

"Are yall gone answer my questions or not!
If you won't you might as well get the fuck out of here except for Lucas since he is the boss here" I said rolling my eyes and the assholes actually stood up.

Again she opened the wrong door and ended up going with Ethan in Lucas office and I counted until five then Malia came back mumbling something about assholes and heartless and some in cohesive words while glaring daggers at everyone.

The food came and I ended up engaging in a conversation with Ethan because Malia was talking to Lucas and Lucas only.
Again how the fuck.

Most importantly what the fuck was happening.
My head was failing to wrap it all together at once.

I came to know that he has been friends with Lucas since childhood but he has been away for a whole year to take care of some business.

We also talked and clicked really well and even ended up planning to go to an amusement park.

"You know he has a girlfriend yeah?" Malia asked looking at me and I shrugged.

"Its not like we are having sex or something we are just going to the amusement park for goodness sake.
Why the cranky attitude?" I asked and she shook her head.

She didnt even want to look at the man.

Was it that bad?

We ended up missing the time and Malia left along with me at six after I wrapped it up and we left the two men in the office. I also made sure to chase them away from mine.

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