chapter 5

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I could see her.

The way she danced.
The way those hips moved suited her best and by that I had never seen anyone give a dick twitching lap dance to an empty chair as she did.

I turned around walking to the bathroom to clean my face with definitely ice cold water.

This has been a long day and yet it wasn't about to be finished.


I could care less that the boss was in a shitty mood but shouting at everyone at different times didn't add up.

We did nothing and yet he was throwing his anger and tantrum to his employees for a whole week.

Since the morning he fired Emery and and Leonia whose name happened to be the girl who was bent over doing the dirty on an office table.

Immediately when he fired them he told me to make a letter and give a file to Liza in which she could later send to the recruiting department and publishing department for the new position that had to be filled.

Exactly five minutes after he left telling me to write he came back asking me why I wasn't done angrily banging on my table.

For such a disbelief I ignored him knowing very well that if he threw a tantrum he was no better than me as I could get aggravated easily with such stupid things or innocent blaming.

When the only word I replied was sorry sir and went back to taking my anger out of his poor innocent keyboard he walked out slamming the door as he did so.

And hasn't been in a good mood after.

Shaking my head after the busy day when I was done I removed the pin that was holding my braids together and let them loose.

I wasn't about to go anywhere for lunch as I had packed a sandwich and a bottle of water which did me great in giving me energy in less than three minutes and that resulted to me dancing on this poor chair that I was sure if it was actually a male he would be rocking a boner out of it.

Music was blaring in my earphones and I went all crazy when animal by trey songz came in making me go completely mad.

I had no worries  as the door was locked and no one was going to enter inside there and see me like this.

Being a working mother had all the cons of not going to club every weekends.
So taking all my energy and frustration on dancing and twerking was doing some good things to me.

When half an hour was done I kept my phone down walked down the hall to the ladies room and washed my face from any sweat and sprayed my armpits once again.

I knew very well that the little makeup I had kept on was gone and that I looked bare.
I could care less though.

Tucking my blue blouse into my pants again I washed my face one more time patted it with a tissue and walked back to the office.

My head was wrapped in my many things one being that maybe Mr Regonzili could have called me and I wasnt inside the office.

I mean I would get another tantrum and a very good shouting like I was some eight Years old stolen candy and cookies from the dont touch jar.

Yes my mother had those lining up on her counter.

Then it all stopped when I bumped into a wall wondering when a wall was built but when the heaven smelling cologne filled my nostills and the manly smell filled the air with my hands touching his chest I stepped back and my vision cleared more to him standing in my doorway.

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