chapter 2

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The decision was taken.

I was going to move and go back home.
Yes home where I was going to see my baby.

Walking to my now full cupboard I took out the packet of cereal poured some in the transparent brown bowl then grabbed the milk pouring some of it to complete my breakfast.

I walked to my couch where my laptop was as usual but instead of checking it I grabbed the remote ready to watch something.

Since I couldn't find something to watch I decided to check one last time for any job vacancies.

I then opened my mails and a specific one stood out.
It was from Regonzili enterprises.
Were they mailing me to inform me that they were holding me a case from me for pouring liquid on their boss' hundred dollar bill suit.

They could kiss my ass.

Nevertheless I opened it rolling my eyes but what I saw almost made me drop my precious glass bowl.

They hired me.

Were they out of their minds or did they mistake me for someone else?

Placing my laptop on my lap I quickly typed asking them if they made a mistake or something.

Almost immediately they answered back saying that they were sure.

If he wanted to give me a job I hopped that it was not going to be in the same office as him because I didn't know if I could hold myself for long before I could slap him this time or cause even bigger damage.

In the message they mentioned that I would start my job tomorrow morning and that I had to be in the building by eight in the morning.

That meant I would be waking up at six for the rest of the days I would be working there.
Fuck why did I not think that throught.

I set my alarm at five fourty knowing that I would wake up like a zombie with my eyes closed but what I didn't expect was not to get water.

I hit the tube again and nothing came and I knew very well that I paid my monthly bills but the bullshit they did in this building was almost intolerable.

I had to be patient a little just a little and if by six there was no water I would call Antoin to come and pick me up so that I would have a shower at my proper house.

To my luck after some minutes the water came back but the shit it was doing made me huff in the bathroom.

It was coming and going coming and going it was like I was showering a drop.

Why did I choose this lifestyle again.

When I felt satisfied I walked out with a towel without shoes.

I walked to my broken mirror reaching out on a comb I couldn't brush my hair really because I was sure the brush wouldnt come through so I brushed the ends dangling them then threw my hair in a neat looking bun.

I walked to my closet removing a dark blue almost black pencil skirt that hugged all my curves but looked professional enough.

I took a white long sleeved top and to finish my outfit I walked to my shoes selection and removed some black knee length boots and now I didn't show any skin.

Checking the time I saw that it was still six thirty which meant I still had thirty more minutes to spare so instead of wasting it I sat on my mirror and started to do my make up.

After applying eyeliner some eye shadow to blend in and my dark red matte lipstick I was done.

Not much but enough to do highlight my ladylike features.

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