chapter 3

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"Yow" I answered the phone groggy as it was still six in the morning and it was a Saturday.

A day where I was not suppose to wake up early or even do anything.

Just lazy around.

"Wake up lazy girl" I heard my mother's voice on the other end.

I also heard a small giggling voice at the end which brought a smile to my face and made me sit properly.

I missed him.

"Mama" I heard him.

Pouting I called him in which he immediately answered to.

"Mom him the phone" I said a smile on my face and excitement bubbling into me.

"Who do you think you are talking to like that young lady.
Oh by the way you need to come and spend time with him.
It has been long since you guys had a mother and son moment" my mom said with that voice that was straight accusing me and I knew she did it on purpose.

It even worked.

"Yeah I know I have been so busy with the job hunting and now that I got one.
It takes away my attention and since it's the first week I have been really busy.
I hope that I won't be busy the upcoming weeks." I said sighing.

This week had left me drained.

"Better make time young girl you know you haven't even been with us.
Dinner tonight at home.
Bring Malia" she said

"Yeah keep making me feel guilty mom but I am coming anyway I know Malia is dying to eat your food and my baby is there" I said rolling my eyes and thank the heavens I wasn't next to her or a knock would have been making a sound on my head.

"Good now anything special you want me to make?" She said on the other end patiently.

"Nope but better make a lot you know me when it comes to food" I said my mouth already watering reminding me that I forgot to take dinner yesterday.

"Ok let me give you cy" she said and I heard her calling him.

"Mama" I could feel my baby grinning.

"How is mama's little angel?" I asked cooing.

I really missed my boy.

"Good." The only word he knew how to pronounce nicely.
He said a couple more of words and I only understood 'mama' he said at the end his voice dropping.

Yap I was definitely going to ask my boss for an early salary.

I needed to find a stable environment and house for me and my son to live in.

"I miss you too baby.
I promise soon we will start living together again." I said and I knew he nodded.

"Did you just nod?" I asked chuckling and he started giggling.

"So how do you feel about a spending the with mom and then ice cream later?" I asked in a cheering voice.

"Yaaay" he said at the end.

"Okay then it's set.
Be ready around eleven.
Tell tata that mommy is picking you at twelve." I said and I knew he ran and threw the phone.

Chuckling I cut the phone call groaned and dropped back on my bed.

Not without keeping an alarm to wake me up at ten then kept my phone on the charger and went back to sleep.

"Yeah mom said you need to come for dinner" I said opening the jeep that looked like it did not belong there.

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