Start from the beginning

“someone’s looking sexy” I heard Ian say.

“someone;s looking hot” I mimicked him. We intertwined our fingers and went out. All the girls were staring at me. it was obvious because I was wearing one shoulder tight dress which ended in the mid thigh.

“ohkay… lets go! ”El said!

Ian was driving, I was on passenger seat, Stacy and El were sitting in the middle row and Sophia and Perrie were sitting in the last row of the car.

Nandos was a 15 min drive from our house.

We reached Nandos exactly at 7:00pm. We entered the restaurant only to see all the guys were already sitting there.

*Harry’s point of view*

I am currently sitting on the passenger seat and Niall is driving the car. I didn’t know who was sitting where cuz that was not important to me. I was in my own thought about what Niall had told me earlier. How did he knew all this? was he in touch with them all this while? Why didn’t he tell me? I mean he saw me struggling with sleep at night because of Pari. My life was hell until Taylor saved me from ruining my life. I started feeling more guilty now. Why did we plan to let girls go away from us. I regret that decision now.

I didn’t realize that wwe had reached our house. No one was talking to each other. Liam opened the house and everyone left to their rooms. I followed Niall to his room… I wanted my answers.

“ummm… Harry.. this is my r-room” Niall said.

“I wanna talk to you…” I said and we entered the room. I shut the door and made sure I locked it.

“tell me… what do you wanna talk about?” Niall asked confused.

“how did you know all this?” I asked

“I was in touch with them since the day I met Pari in the cd store when I told you guys. But it was clear that you guys had no interest in my talks. Pari was with me when I got hate from 5 Seasons fans. Me and stacy desperately want to be toghther but we cannot cuz my bandmates have decided to move on and let them live their life. My band mates had faild to understand that we were their life.” Niall said

“and do you know what Pari feels for me?”

“oh… she is over you… she is the only girl who took your advice seriously and moved on. Now forget this Harry and get ready… be nice to them and tag along… ” niall said.

I nodded and I oppened the door only to see all boys falling on me. maybe they had their ears pressed on the door to hear our conversation.

“even I am coming for the floor hug…” niall shouthed and jumped on everyone.

We all got up..

“guys lets be nice to them… they have suffered a lot. I don’t love Anna… she was just a distraction. I want my Sophia back.” Liam said

“Meee too… I don’t love Darcy… El… here I come for you.” Louis said!

“lets get our girls back lads!” Zayn said

“ummm guys… Taylor and I are in serious relationship. But I can be good to Pari.”

“coooolll… let get ready…” Zayn said and we all left leaving the Niall’s room.

After 20 mins, we all gathered in the lounge area. We all had worn skinny black jeans along with puma black shoes and either white shirts or white t-shirt except for me. I had taken a black shirt above my white t-shirt with rolled up sleeves.

“lets goo…. Food is waiting for me.” Niall said and we all left. We reached Nandos within 20 mins. We walked in the restaurant and took a table for 10 members. We took the seat and waited for girls. After 10 mins I heard giggling of girls. I turned around to see 5 Seasons coming in. but along with them a boy was tagged along. i quickly realized that it was Ian and Pari was holding his hands. A pit of jealousy hit my stomach. But I pushed it away saying that I love Taylor in my mind so that it is only restricted to me.  I was snapped by Zayn pinching me in my bums and I squealed and everyone started laughing… then I saw girls taking seats. But since we had 10 seater table. Ian was still standing.

“ummm baby take my place…” I heard Pari saying it to Ian. Why did she had to offer her own seat? I gave her a stare. But she did see me.

“noh its ohkay… I will ask a waiter to get me a chair.” Ian said.  But Pari did not listen him. She stood up and forcefully made Ian sit on her seat. A few seconds later, a waiter came in and pari asked for an extra chair pull out. A waiter came back with a chair and placed it in between  me and Ian. I then noticed her arm which was covered in sleeves. A small red line was still seen. I was shocked.

“lets order food.” Niall said excitedly. A waiter came and started taking our orders and while he was taking orders I saw that all the girls had worn the same colour dresses and Ian had the same colour shirt under his jacket. I rolled my eyes. But I must say everyone looked amazing, even Ian. I was playing with my spoon which fell on the floor. When I bent down to pick it up, I saw Ian roaming his hand up and down Pari’s bare thighs. I felt like removing his hands from there but I ignored it and put the spoon back on the table. I then noticed that all the pairs were sitting opposite to each other. Sophia was sitting opposite Liam, Eleanor was opposite Louis, Stacy was opposite Niall and Perrie was opposite Zayn. Everyone were indulge in talking when Niall said in my ears “admit it styles. You still love her. ” I sent him a death glare.

We all had our dinner and we went well along with the girls. The distances were shortening down.  The day ended well. After spending like 2 hours or something we all had gone to our respective homes.






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