Cracked Cement

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Snowflakes. Snowflakes are each in their own, a novel. Fifty-thousand words describing crystalline water carved into a fragile frame, fifty-thousand words depicting a picturesque "happy ending" with flushed cold and shattered mirrors on the ground, yes, snowflakes are much like novels.
If a snowflake is a novel, and Levi was comparable to a thousand winter dusks and million winter dawns, then what was Levi? Mayhaps Levi was an origami masterpiece, an entire encyclopedia folded and bent and shaped into a beautiful man, a beautiful man with all of these creases and all of these incomparable words inscribed into his skin. Or, perhaps, Levi was a trillion silver threads, a trillion threads all shimmering and catching the light in impossible angles.
Eren pondered how someone such as Levi, someone composed entirely of exotic grace and toxic words could have come into being. Eren's mocha hair danced in the seeking tendrils of a stray breeze as his hurricane eyes surveyed their damage before him. The damage being an arrogant senior with lithe fingertips balancing a vapor, with raven feathered hair and moonlight eyes, the hurricane damage was a beautiful catastrophe, a stunning paradox. Eren and Levi walked in silence, both sneaking glances and coming to conclusions behind equally stony faces.


Levi never cared much for coffee, he though it too bitter, the taste too strong. If one were to observe the man taking a hesitant sip of the beverage they might also witness a grimace of pure disgust, mixed with utter astonishment as to how something that smelled so amazing could taste so dreadful. No, Levi did not enjoy coffee, but now that he has stumbled across a coffee colored boy with storms swirling around dilated pupils, now that Levi has stumbled across Eren, he was willing to take another sip.


"I would be in Algebra right now." Eren's voice, edged and soft cut a path through the wind and struck a nerve somewhere in Levi.
"But you're here with me, while I smoke and while you stare." A curt response soon followed by an aggravated jet of smoke, smoke the color of Levi's eyes. Eren looked into those eyes, the ones with similar smoky tendrils swirling in a vast expanse of cold, wintry water, he looked into Levi's eyes and edged closer. Slowly her brought a hand up, as if to caress Levi's imponderably sharp features, but instead stole the vaporized cigarette from between his fingers. He chuckled darkly as he retreated a pace or two, his converse passing over forgettable cracked cement, and put the vapor between his teeth with a glimmer in his eyes. With an exaggerated inhale, Eren looked to the sky and groaned out a steady plume of smoke. As the wall dwindled, and Eren ran out of breath a smirk began to tug at his lips. Once again his converse passed over the cracked cement, and once again his eyes met their as his hand slowly raised to meet Levi's, he placed the cigarette between the senior's forefinger and his middle finger. Instead of backing up, this time, Eren leaned forward just past Levi's cheekbone. His whisper burned with the bite of the wind, yet it still brought the warmth of the sun.
"Instead I'm here with you while we smoke and while you stare."

And If I Love You?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ