Echoes in the Stairwell

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For all of the exuberance of their exit, the excitement, and the breathless cold of Levi's fingers, they didn't end up anywhere particularly, well, Levi-like. As the walked, Levi never let go of Eren's wrist, much less loosen his vise-like grip. He strode forward, confidence straightening his shoulders, the air he gave off toxic to others as they parted like a fork in the road, closing off once again after they passed. Eren got to admire the view, the obsidian hair a stark contrasted against the porcelain features wrapping around steel eyes. Needless to say, he was captivated. Although, not too captivated to ignore the glares numerous females sent his way.
After their parade they ended up in the West Wing stairwell. Fabulous, right? A quiet, musty-smelling corner with cold concrete and graffiti promising love and exposing whores. Levi pulled Eren into the cold space abruptly, only to stop, just as abruptly, making the taller boy stumble into his back. They ended up on the floor for the second time in a span of ten minutes, only this time, Levi found it amusing. A smirk tugged at his lips as he watched Eren scramble to untangle himself, a flush brushing over his slightly freckled cheeks like the fading remnants of a sunset. As Eren began settling, the cold of the floor biting into his thighs, Levi pulled out a vaporized cigarette. Finally, Eren was cross legged, his knees pressing into Levi's, their bodies close, their air shared. Eren was flushed, and embarrassed but too cold to pull away from the warmth of the older (shorter) males legs, so her stayed in place and watched, with a mild interest, as Levi's cheeks hollowed and his lips wrapped around the plastic exterior of the cigarette held delicately between his index and middle finger. Levi stretched out his drag, relishing the feel of smoke curling in his lungs, and devouring the intrigued and flushed look on Eren's face with his eyes. He pulled the plastic from his warm lips, and replaced it with smoke, gentle and strange tendrils dance and spinning past the entrance to Levi's mouth. To be honest, Levi and no idea why he brought Eren here. No fucking clue as to why he decided right then and there to drag him halfway across the school. He masked his confusion with a wall of smoke.
"What?" Levi's voice was different. Softer, almost. Not as sharp, without as many edges, and left Eren struggling to conclude as to why his stoic words now seemed more like velvet.
"Brat, I asked what the hell?" Eren's eyes focused once again of the steel, cold, cruel, gorgeous grey ones before him. Levi sigh and leaned forward, so that he was mere inches from Eren's face.
"Open your mouth." Without really knowing why, a Eren complied, his luscious lips parting, his tongue pulling back, and was vaguely surprised when the cigarette pressed between his teeth.
"Close." He did.
"Inhale." He did, but because he was intoxicated, drunk on the chocolate smoothness of Levi's voice, he inhaled through his nose. Quickly realizing his mistake, he flushed a shade even deeper than before, and inhaled via throat. Eren wasn't really prepared for the tide of smoke, the acrid taste of burnt marshmallows, but he choked it down in attempt to look half as badass as Levi. Levi watched the spark of panic in Eren's eyes that dulled to something, something unbearably attractive. Levi caught his breath and pulled away the cigarette to take another drag, his eyes lingering on Eren's lips as they wrapped around an opaque column of smoke, propelled by his breath. Levi decided, right then, and right there, he was attracted to Eren. He was undeniably, unavoidably, inexplicably attracted to this smart ass, tall prick.
"Levi, why am I here?" Eren's voice was gentle, but still seeking. Levi's eyes narrowed, and he exhaled a smooth jet of air, air carrying the flavor of nicotine.
"Because I brought you." Another drag off of the vapor.
"Why'd you bring me then?" Eren shifted closer, beginning to get agitated as his questions were evaded, Levi's velvet figured voice slithering past corners of smoke.
"I'm trying to figure that out too." Levi smirked as he leaned forward, his head passing Eren's until his lips rested on Eren's ear. His breath gently moved tendrils of coffee hair and cascaded over rose colored skin.
"Although I have a sneaking suspicion it's because I like you, Jeager. I like you a lot."

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