Chapter Two- Shorter In Person

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One would assume the (now) infamous Eren hated literature. The boring reading, the drug out writing, and the odds in between, right? In all actuality he loved it. Eren adored the pastimes that allowed him to create world from nothing but a line of ink and spark of inspiration. He loved reading so much he often chose an alternate universe over his classes. Preferring to drown himself in between pages, stained with passion and care, than to face the world around him, painted with pain and greed. So, suffice to say, it wasn't uncommon to see Eren wandering the halls with his nose between the pages, or sitting on the desk, conspicuously ignoring the lesson and reading instead. This was because, well, reality is shit, and if any of us had had the shittiest moments, it was Eren.

"The ground shook like thunder had shattered the skies. Dust rained from the roof of the cave as the ground lifted, revealing the shiny surface was actually a neck, a neck that bulged with the effort of lifting the humongous head attached to it. The light from the torch reflected and glimmered in the iridescent scales adorning the beast as his large golden eye, scattered with green, took in the minuscule man before him." Eren's mouth wrapped around the words bestowed upon him silently. His eyes roamed ceaselessly over the page, stained yellow with age, and tattooed with ink. He was so wrapped in the page, completely enthralled with the new exotic world in his hands, coming to life in his minds eye. He felt at peace, and calm. Considering this, it makes complete sense that he was startled when the book was hit from his hands. As the book fell to the floor, the force of the impact had shaken loose most of the paper, homework and doodles placed to mark the best parts, so that they lost their places amongst dragons and elves and found a new home amongst dust and dried blood, Fluttering to the floor like birds with broken wings around Eren and, now, Jean. Eren sighed heartily and drug his beautiful aqua eyes from the mess scattered about his shoes up to meet hostile gold ones.

"You know I love you Jean, and it's a pleasure to see you again, but I'd very much appreciate it if you'd fuck off. " Eren tilted his head slightly, some of his soft brunette hair falling over one of his turquoise eyes. The kid basically radiated confidence the result being Jean blanching at the arrogant atmosphere radiating off the younger teen he had beaten up only yesterday. His eyes widened in shock and his mouth parted slightly. He quickly recovered his signature arrogance in record speed though, and stepped forward to grab the shoulders of Eren's dark green V-neck, the golden eyes glinting with malicious intent. Eren simply raised a single eyebrow, which force the anger to fire up within Jean even more, like the flame of a candle, forever hungry and forever devouring. Jean released one of the fabric shoulders and drew back his arm, gaining momentum and strength for a punch aimed for Eren's nose. Without warning longs pale fingers wrapped deftly around one of Jean's pierced earlobes, causing the backs of studs to bite into the tender skin. Two sharp tugs and a long rough one was followed with,

"The kid said to fuck off. Now let him go." A old stoic voice crisped the air, and Jeans eyes widened a fraction before he dropped Eren. The second Eren was released he simply squatted to retrieve his scattered papers and shove them randomly in his book. As he stood he tucked the book neatly under one elbow and began to walk away.

"Tch. Is that how you thank someone who just saved your sorry ass?" The same frigid voice ran down Eren's back like cold fingers. Eren turned around to face Levi. Levi Revaille. The senior heartthrob of the school. His entire, well, everything was sharpened by the cut-glass cheekbones sprouting from a surprising undercut. Hell, even teachers lust after him. Although Eren now realized, it wouldn't make sense for them not to. There he stood, in loose torn jeans and a dark gray shirt. His black hair haphazardly outlined his sharply angled face, sporting magnificent gray eyes. His hip was cocked and his fingers splayed. Eren simply smirked at the arrogant and sassy display, the act tearing open yesterday's split lip. He tasted blood as he turned around and said,

"You're shorter in person."


Hai baes!! If you like sassy Eren say so and vise versa, because I just might have him be a little shit the entire story xD Speaking of entire story, this fanfic is going to be long. Liek long. I have a couple ideas I can't wait to put into play!! Also, I know the chapters are short so far, but the next one will be longer, I promise. I also plan on updating every Saturday. Is that a good day? I think that's a good day. Final thing! (I know I tend to ramble) as long as you comment or vote every now and again I will regularly update, if you comment or vote often I'll most likely update twice or maybe three times a week. Bai baes!!

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