Faded Polaroid

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"Do it for the vine."

"I ain't gon do it."

"Do it for the vine."

"I ain't gon do it."



Armin pushes his legs from the bed to attempt a front flip in Eren's small dark blue room. Since Armin is a klutz, and Eren's room is small, the attempt quickly folds itself into a small disaster. Mikasa, who was recording with a smirk tugging at her plush lips, was taken to the ground by the flailing, high pitched blonde. As they lay in a groaning pile on the white crapet Eren grasped at a pillow as he laughed hysterically, his free hand pressing at his side. He wished time could snap a picyure at the three. Mikasa on the floor, face frozen in a horrified look, and Armin tangled in her limbs, confusion tugging at his frail features. Eren, fingers splayed on his side, in a feeble attempt to push back the building cramp, hurricane eyes glitteribg with amusement. This, this was what he wanted to always remember.


"I want Supernatural."

"We never watch Walking Dead."

"But Bridegroom is legit the most tragic story." Mikasa was sitting cross-legged on the floor, fingers clasped around her ankles, with a large bowl of popcorn in her lap. Eren laid across Armin's lap, stretching over the black cracked leather couch, and Armin absentmindedly played with Eren's hair.

"Eren we have watched Bridegroom four times. No." Mikasa layed her haid back, so her face rested on Armin's feet, right before Eren's.

"We obviously need to watch Walking Dead." She flicked her wrist so the Wii remote showed the glowing blue arrow on the screen. All three of them obsessed over Netflix, but they prefered different things. The arrow slowly drug itself over to the lone man walking in the middle of a faded paved road. Eren groaned and burried his face in the soft white pillow he always kept on the couch while Armin chuckled.

"Hold on, I need to call home and say I'm staying the night." Armin squirmed under Eren to try and find his phone. Eren just layed there, heavy and immobile, as though her were impersonating a rock. He had blocked out his favorite people to pout, face first into the pillow. He really (really((really))really) loved Bridegroom.

"Armin, why do you live with your grandfather, and not your parents? " Mikasa's soft voice curled gently in the companiable atmosphere. Eren could feel Armin stiffen immediately so he removed himself from the blonde boy's lap to lean into his side instead. Eren had a hard time understanding personal space.

"You don't have to tell us, if you don't want to. I mean, you're probably wondering why we live with each other when we're not even related, and neither of our parents reside here." Armin cocked his head slightly, brow furrowed.

"I just don't like to talk about it."

Mikasa smiled a little bit and turned to face the couch.

"You don't need to, I don't like talking about my family either."

Eren frowned and turned his head away, pain blurring his vision.

"Me neither."

The once warm and gentle air had turned stale and tense. No one moved. No one spoke. Everyone had something they needed to say, but no one wanted to say it. Armin lowered his gaze to the floor, his eyes streaming with years of agony. His voice cracked when he next spoke, and his lips trembled.

"I guess I'll start."


I know. I'm a shit writer and a shit person. I don't feel motivated to update because I feel like no one is reading them. And if someone is, I never get feedback. But because I haven't updated I'm doing a double update. Bai~

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