Cigarette Smoke

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(Levi's P.O.V)

That boy, the one with the storm raging around his pupils, what was his name? Jeager? That sounds about right, yeah I think his name was Jeager. No matter how many times I tried to drown out the sound of his silky voice, or stare at a beautiful picture to forget his eyes, I couldn't. And to make it worse, he had developed a group now. People had heard about how rhetoric and sarcastic he was, and in high school language, that translated to brave. Slowly people were joining his "group". Making it harder and harder to pretend he never existed, like he had never set those raging eyes upon me more spike in his melodic voice. But I couldn't pretend he wasn't there when he was gaining popularity, friends. Admirers. Why that disgusted me, I'd rather not think about.

I pulled my cigarette from my lips and tilted my head back, raven hair dusting over the back of my neck as the skin on the from pulled taut. Smoke, white as the moon on a night echoing with the stars' fading light pulled from my lips. Intricate twirls above my forehead.

"Heard that's bad for you. Might wanna drop the habit." My head snapped up as I recognized the very voice that had been haunting me. The very same baritone that had said the same few words in a thousand different ways in my mind.

"Tch, vapor. Smart ass." I tried to ignore the amused glint in his eyes and pulled another drag from the white stick, the taste of burnt marshmallows and tar rolling over and lingering on my tongue. I tilted my head as not to blow smoke in his face, he's the one person I wouldn't want to chase off with my rude habits. The fact that this is true makes me sink even lower into the melted mental remains of my throne.

"Vapor still sucks, if you want to stay that stunning.." He pauses, and I find myself leaning forward in hopes to taste the words he had used to describe me. Stunning. "Also, if you want to stay in this school, might want to leave the property. Principle, to the left."

My eyes widened a fraction of an inch as I quickly stepped outside of the stone gates. One of my long, slender fingers pressing the red button to shut off the cigarette. Angry stomps pulled closer and an ugly tan pantsuit edged into my peripheral vision. An angry sigh bursts past my lips, I could name a thousand things wrong Principle Fuck Off's outfit. And that's not including her atrocious hair and makeup, she looked like road kill gone wrong.

"Hand it over now." Ugh, even her voice sounded like a dying cat. She squinted and held out a wrinkly hand, no one even knows her real eye color, for she had a new one every day. How vain can you be as to have forty different colors in contacts lenses?

"What do you mean?" Anyone else in my situation probably would've given up, but hey, I'm a smart ass. And I may or may not have wanted to impress the god-on-earth next to me. My voice sounded like I was testing her, resulting in an angry snarl. Woah, ever heard of white strips?

"The cigarette. Now."

"As I recall, I'm not on school property." Que signature smirk.

"You were a moment ago." Pfft. Weeakkk. As if I'd let the fashion disaster get the best of me. I have morals, bitch.

"Prove it." I pushed past her, tossing the cigarette behind me to ensure I don't get in trouble. Although, since I didn't want to leave the Jeager kid, I grabbed his wrist and began tugging him along. His skin was warm, and I felt the pulse pushing against my fingertips, resulting in me choking down a blush.

"Hey there, cowboy. Got to buy me dinner first." He smirked and raised an eyebrow, and I find myself biting my lip in an estranged attempt not to rush him. He leaned until his lips almost brushed my ear,

"Although for you, I might make an exception. Oh I just don't know, I'll decide later." With a quick turn he was gone. My eyes drifted closed and I fingered another electronic cigarette in my pocket. I wonder if her flirts like that with everybody. Maybe I'm special? A growl resounded in my throat and I pushed off the brick wall, no one has ever messed with me like this. Even then, my lips still taste like burnt marshmallows and tar.



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