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"Eren, what were you doing with that guy?" Mikasa tilted her head, her eyes narrowing into dark slits.

"I actually have no idea. Although it's pretty entertaining to throw him off." Eren smirked and tilted his head as he tossed his back into the dark blue locker.

"I don't think you should." A smaller, more docile voice piped from behind Eren. Eren closed his locker, books in his arm and looked quizzically at the blonde.

"I just mean, well, you see.. uhmm..." He stuttered and Eren smiled, it was the smile that smoothed the stutter from Armin's voice,

"Everyone crushes on him! There's a secret fan club over him and he's a senior. I just don't think you should mess with him." Armin looked to the blue and white tiles below his petite feet and ran his words together as if they were in a race. Eren simply smiled and began walking,

"I guess that's why it's so fun then."


Yep. It sucks. It's cause no ones reading it so I'm probably going to delete it....

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