Tragedies Guise

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~Levi's P.O.V.~

I used to be happy. A bundle of flushed cheeks and obnoxious giggles. I was a hopeful child once. Then again, I used to have a father. And a mother. Then one day the beautiful woman with the steel eyes and the raven hair, the woman who held me and cooed my name, she left. The very woman who stood tall and proud disappeared one night, while we were supposed to sleeping, father and I. But before she left she stubbed her toe on the chipped coffee table in the living room, and released an elaborate string of choice words beneath her breath. Being a light sleeper I heard the impact, for my mother had always been the type to fall hard when she fell, rare as it was. My wide eyes peek from behind the foyer corner and I watched her wheel her navy blue suitcase behind her, never once looking back. Father had always loved mother, he loved her more than the sun loved the horizon, more than the stars loved to dance. Father, the gentle giant with an affliction for words, he couldn't handle her leaving, couldn't bear the lack of goodbye. Father was a strong man, but even the strongest of men run out of air when dangling from a rope. Even strong men's fingers turn blue when deprived of oxygen and hearts black when deprived of love. I used to be happy, but then again, I used to have a mother and a father.

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