Chapter 20 Don't Forget Where You Belong

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"Sorry mates, Victoria took forever." Niall said, exaggerating.

I finally caught up to him, out of breath and said:

"Niall we both know you were the one taking forever." I said, as I was fixing my hair.

Everyone looked sharp. I was impressed that Niall and Louis weren't fighting like kids.

"That dress looks great on you." My dad said, impressed.

My dad pulled me into a hug, and whispered in my ear:

"No drinking, or anything like that. Call me when you get there, and when you leave. Don't hesitate to call if anything happens. Don't fool around with boys. And behave."

"Yea I know dad, I've only heard that lecture about 47 times."

"You look wonderful in that dress. Did you buy that earlier when you went exploring with Niall?" Harry asked.

"Yea, it's a long story."

"She was mad because I spent 400 dollars on the dress."

"That's still a lot of money! And for a dress you wouldn't even wear-"

"Victoria. It's a gift, accept it. You look amazing." Louis said.

"Thanks Louis. You're looking sharp as hell."

"He's wearing my suit. The other had some stain or something." Liam added.

"I'm not surprised."

"It was that pasta we ordered earlier. I was eating some and it, sorta slipped."


"Is everyone ready? The Addison Lee is waiting outside." Andrew said.

(The Addison Lee is a taxi for those who didn't know)

Paul didn't like the idea of us partying the night before performing, so we weren't gonna stay long anyways.

Everyone squished together inside the car. The car ride felt like it took forever, only because I was squished beside Harry and Liam.

We finally got to the party, and some serious security guards were guarding the door.

Everyone got out of the car, and we walked over to the entrance.

"Who's she?" One of the guards asked.

"Her name is Victoria. She's very important, and she's with us." Harry said to the guard.

They let us in, and we walked into the building. I looked around with amazement. There was a high class bar, a huge dance floor, and a DJ booth. Some tables were scattered around the room. I recognized some people, but not most.

I quickly texted my dad, letting him know we'd arrived.

Louis came back with a fucking tray that had 5 drinks. I was laughing as he handed out whatever he ordered to the boys. I was so fascinated by the place, I didn't even know Louis left to grab drinks.

Once it came to my turn, Louis gave me a shot which was clear.

"Louis, my dad said I couldn't drink. And this is vodka!" I said to Louis, quite irritated.

"Relax Vic!" He said.

Louis came closer to me, and whispered:

"First of all, your dads not here, and secondly, it's water. Just pretend it's vodka, please. Some serious actors, and celebrities don't need to see us treating you like a kid."

I was so confused, but I took the shot anyway. Louis took the tray back, while the boys all had their own drinks.

I followed Harry most of the time, only because it was so awkward being there. Some people knew me as "The girl from the livestream" or "The girl from the interview".

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