*♡* sixteen *♡*

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clay's pov:

why? why y/n, why?

why do you have to be the main thing on my mind? why do you have to act so cute all the time? why do i like you? why now?

it's obvious. nick and y/n are perfect for eachother, they're right for eachother. why did my feelings come? why, dammit why?

it was when she left the bear, when she went to stand up with nick. she left the bear, it felt like she left me.

and why does it hurt so much? what do i do? does george know anything about this, does he know how to help? doesn't matter, i'm telling him anyway.

nick and y/n sit back down as the farris wheel starts to go down. we all remain silent though. once we can step off, we do, walking to the front of the carnival so we can go to home.

yet we still don't talk. i call george over, so i could tell him, and we stay behind nick and y/n so they don't hear.

"what's up?" he asks, keeping his voice low.

"do you know?"

"know what?" he furrows his eyebrows.

"y/n," i don't continue, hoping he'll connect the dots, and if he didn't know, he knows now.

"oh," he looks down, then back at me. "yea."

"was it obvious?"

"yea, kinda. i think nick knows." as he says it, i look ahead, seeing y/n smiling at something nick said. that smile...

"i know they like eachother," my eyes remain on y/n. "and i know they're perfect for eachother. so why am i feeling like this?" i shift my eyes to him.

he looks at me, and i see the clocks turning in his eyes. he's trying to think of something to say, he's trying to help me.

"i guess, i guess you can't control who you like,"

i sigh, looking away from him. i look at the ground, watching my feet.

"i'm messing everything up for them,"

"your not, you're just," he thinks of something, "you're just falling for someone. and you're not trying to take her, you're aware of who she likes, and you're respectful. you're not messing anything up."

dammit y/n.

crosswalk //sapnap x reader//Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin