*♡* five *♡*

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"you got it," nick reassures me as i walk to him, with no crutches. "just a few more steps." he reaches his arms out.

i take a step, then steady myself. the next step might be painful, seeing as it is my bad leg. as i take the step, i wobble, my arms swinging around in the air.

"i'm gonna-" before i could say anything else, i fall forward.

thankfully, nick was there to catch me. i look up at him, my words slowly disappearing from my mouth. we just stare at eachother. just stare. while he holds me. what the hell am i doing?

i quickly try to stand up, steadying myself to go to the couch where my crutches are. i make it to the couch, flopping on it. i get my crutches, slightly fidgeting with them. i look up to see him still standing.

"thanks." i say.

"no problem," he looks away from me, a red tint on his cheeks. i can't help but smile, blushing myself.

"i'm hungry, are you?" i ask. he looks at me, still red, but nods. "what do you want?" i get up, going to the kitchen. stuffy follows behind my feet.

"i can make something myself," he chases after me.

"no no, i can make it for you," i walk to the kitchen, my legs moving as fast as they can.

"you're gonna hurt yourself!"

"i won't!" i look at him. he stays silent, knowing that i'm not gonna break.

"alright. but i'm staying here just in case." he points to where he's standing, which is in the kitchen.

"so what do you want," i start to look in the pantry.

"uh, anything." he says. the first thing i think of is a sandwich. it's easy, not much moving around either.

i bring out the bread, and the food he wants on his sandwich, and any condiments. i also give him cheezits on the side. i give the plate to him, acting like a waitress.

"here you go, sir." i smile.

"why thank you, ma'am." he smiles back, then goes to sit down.

i look in the pantry for something that i would like, but nothing appeals my interest. i look in the fridge, only finding a mango. i really need to go to the store.

i grab the mango, a knife, then sit down. but the thing is, i don't know how to cut a mango.

i look at the mango, then the knife, trying to figure out how to cut into it.

"is that all you're gonna eat?" nick says, chewing on the sandwich.

"yea, but i don't know how to cut it." he stays silent, and when i look up to see why he's suddenly so silent, he's staring dead at me.

"why did you buy it-" he shakes his head. i start to laugh, actually wondering why i bought it.

once i stop laughing, i try to cut right down the middle, soon realizing there's a pit in the middle.

"nick." i say.


"i don't know how." i smile after i say it.

"well obviously," he rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smile.

"nick," i start laughing.

"yes?" he starts smiles.

"help." my laughing continues. he just chuckles. he soon gets his phone from his pocket. he then texts someone, then gets in call.

"clay," he says, holding the phone to his face.

"hey," clay says. i start to laugh, knowing what nick's about to say.

"y/n bought a mango, but she doesn't know how to eat it." he has a smile on his face the whole time.

"i know how to eat it! i just don't know how to cut it," soon, clay starts wheezing, which always gets me. i start laughing along with him, nick just smiling.

"y/n," clay says.

"yea?" i still have a smile.

"why did you buy it?" he laughs.

"i don't know-" me and him both start laughing.

i calm down, and grab the knife again. i cut into the mango, making juice spill out, making my hands sticky, and everything else slippery. nick and clay are talking, but i don't pay attention. all my focus is on this mango.

i cut into the mango again, but miss, slicing my finger.

"OH," i drop the knife, holding my finger. i look at nick, he's already looking at me.

"did you hurt yourself?" he asks. i just nod. "y/n!"

"sorry!" i look down at my finger, seeing the blood. i quickly get up, wanting to get to the sink.

"i'll call you later, clay."

"y/n, you idiot!" clay says, then leaves the call. i start laughing at my clumsiness.

"y/n stop walking." nick says, grabbing a hold of my waist.

"i'm going to the sink," i look at him, blushing slightly. he doesn't say anything. he then picks me up, bridal style. "nick!" i grab onto him, not wanting to fall. he takes me to the bathroom, setting me down, and taking my hand to the sink. "i can do this myself you know," all he does is stop what he's doing, and looks at me, like i just said the dumbest thing in the world. i stare back at him, slowly smiling.

he goes back to cleaning my cut, then bandage it. once he's done, he picks me up again, bringing me back to the kitchen, and setting me down at the table. i don't do anything, i let him do what he's doing.

"i'll go to the store later, what do you want besides a mango?" he looks at me.

"wait. i'm coming with you to the store."

"no you're not."

"yes i am."

"stuffy needs someone."

i look over at stuffy, seeing her fast asleep on her bed. it's crazy how fast she can fall asleep, she was just following me around, now she's asleep. i completely forget about nick's words, thinking of stuffy.

i get brought back to reality when nick gives me a cookie. i gasp, forgetting i had these. i quickly take the cookie, chomping down on it. i turn to nick and smile at him, still chewing my cookie. he slightly laughs, watching me eat.

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