Taking me to the cages

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I wake up with a killer headache an open my eyes to see Hook and Emma standing there. "Where is Pan!? Where the hell is Henry?! Why am i even tied up! I cant leave Neverland! Ill die!" I yell out. "We were expecting the questions but die? Why are you gonna die?" "Dreamshade and if that fun thing didnt happen i also got a spell from Pan. Just a little curse he gave me." I hiss out. "Oh whait the curse isnt going to be a problem." I tell them like a psychopath. I dont know how i know about the curse and about it not being a problem but i do. "Well we have water for the dreamshade so dont you worry about that." Emma tells me. "Wait, there was a way to save uncle Liam? To the love of Hades..." I ask them and mumble. "But where ae Pan and Henry?" Hook looks at me weard. "Why are you so worried about Pan love?" Hook asks me. "If he dies, i die. Simple as that." "Really, how?" Emma asks me pacing in front of me. "The little curse i told you about..." "What curse my little sailor?" "dont. call. me. that. And for your information i didnt get all the details." I tell them turning my head to the side. The boat shakes in a way thats all to familiar "Where here." I tell them and Emma stops pacing. "How do you know that?" "Oh sweety the only one who maybe knows the boat better than me is probably Hook over there but i know all about it, even how the waves feel." She looks impressed but walks up to deck. "Neal and David are going to get you in a minute my little sailor." "Alright Hook." He looks at me dissapointed and walks up deck. 

After a minute or two Bea and David come in as planned. "Hello boys, can you tell me where Henry and Pan are please? Pretty please?" I say and pout my lip. David just looks at me strange but Bea knows, he knows im on Pans side now. Ill do anything to keep the boy safe. "Will you at least let me talk to Felix on my way out, or maybe even Alex?" I ask the men. "You can see both of them for 20 seconds and than your going to your cage." David tells me after consulting with Bea. "Bea? Will you let me see Henry too? I promiss i wont kill him." I say and put my hand on my hart. "Your not seeing him, im sorry Arrow. I wish i could do something for you right now." Bealfire tells me. "Ah but you can Bea. You can let me with Henry for 20 seconds." I tell him and smirk. "Its Neal." "I know but i prefer Bealfire. I dont like the name Neal. If you would come out as a woman and than change your name, sure ill call you that but like this. NO!" "Why not?" "Because your Bealfire, my friend, old crush and so much more. Im not letting you become some stranger by calling you Neal." He mumbles something i cant hear but then they begin to untie me. When there done i turn around my wrists and thank them, we walk up to deck and i see Felix. "number one." And i point at him.

"Hey Felix, how are you? Cant talk. Let yourself put in a cell. Youll probably be put in with me so we can chat then, do you know where Pan is?" "Hey to you too, i will and Pan is inside Henries body. Love you idiot bye." "Love you too dumbass bye." I tell him and hug the big guy. David calls me over from a few feet ahead and i walk up to them. "Next." I tell them when i see Alex behind them. 

I push through the guys and walk straight into the arms of Alex my man. "Hey you." "Hello Arrow, how are you this fine afternoon." He asks me with a jokingly british accent. "Oh im quite well, thank you Alexander, how are you doing this fine afternoon?" "Oh im quite well madam." "Im glad to hear that Alexander, i wish you well and come visit me in detention will you." I tell him and he nods sadly. "Oh dont pout Alexander, i will be quite alright." i tell him keeping on the accent. "Okay than, be safe." He tells me in a normal voice and pulls me into a hug. "you too." i whisper and let go. I turn around and see Henry or better yet, Peter fricking Pan.

I walk up to him feeling the gaze of the two men watching over me. "Hello Henry or better yet Pan." "Better yet? Growing soft on me Arrow?" "ofcourse not Pan, i would never." I tell him and rase an eyebrow. He does the same and i feel sad hes not in his own body. "You need to be a little more relaxed, your a 10 year old kid in the 2000 they dont stand up so straight. Be exited about a big story book and call misions operations and than pick a best suited animal. Like ehmm operation Cobra. Play video games and be carefull of Hook, he will be first to catch on probably because he isnt al lovey dovey with Henry. The rest will just think he got a bug or something." I blurt out in a few seconds trying to help Pan as much as i can. He looks at me with a smirk the whole time. "Thank you Arrow, i will pay attention to those things." "No problem and say words like thanks and stuff. Dont be so formal." I note and smile. "I think your ready Pan." I make his coat tidy and say bye Henry a bit loud so the men can hear me and he waves and says bye back. 

I walk over to David and Bealfire and we get off the boat, i get left with Regina as they say hi to some people before they take me to the cages. "Hello Regina." "Arrow." "Your not greating people like you havent seen them in years." I note. "You noticed?" She asks with sarcasm and i laugh. "Well you should take some credit. You did get Emma and Snow from that tree. All wouldve gone well if you havent." "Yes, what a shame. Well i see that your boys are ready to take you with so i better leave you." "Goodbye my queen." "Have a lovely day Arrow." I smirk and my two men come to take me too the cages.

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now