saving Neverland and everyone with magic

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We have walked through the jungle until we got to the beach, there we got on a little rowboat and now we are here. The water going up and down is nice and familiar but doesnt let my mind calm about whats going to happen. "Okay so when where there the savior and Regina and a few of those people will be there. You have to go on and hide until Pan says 'because you dont have the real one.' I dont know whats going to happen than youll see for yourself. Were here." We stand up and he gets out first to tie down the boat. When he is done he lends me a hand and i get out too. Than i see all of them stand there looking at me. "What are you staring at?" "Well, we didnt know you were still alive. We at least i kinda gave up hope because you said you were going to ask for a knife..." Emma tells me. "Well im alive so i got to go." I say looking at her. I turn around and look at Felix and open my arms. He grins and walks to me and wrapping his arms around me. I sigh and smile. We let go and we say our good byes and good lucks and all before i go up. Just before i cross the line i stop and turn around. "Why arent you up there?" "Only people with the pleasure of having there shadows ripped of can go inside." Regina spits out. "Alright than, so thats what he meant." I say in thought darting my eyes down. I look up again and say "Thanks for everything, i dont know whats going to happen there but get Rumple back to Belle please. Its all i ask." "Sure thing kid." "Still older than you, for about a few hundred years..." I sigh and turn around now really going up.

I see Pan and Rumple standing, Rumple is holding something i cant see but Pan sees me and secretly motions for me to hide behind a rock. I do as im well told i guess and hide. They have a lovely conversation which in i find out Pan is Rumples brother and the thing Rumple is holding is pandoras box, i saw when i hid behind the rock. I was quite shocked. I was begining to dose off until i heard Pan say "Because you dont have the real one." With that i step out from behind the rock and Pan gets out the exact same box as Rumple. "You switched them. Wait Arrow what are you doing here get back!" "Watch the woman." Pan says, i look at him and walk away from whats happening not wanting be consumed by the box "Arrow stay please, im not letting you get in." I hesitate but stay and try to teleport Rumple out of here but im too late. Pan sets off the curse. "Sorry Rumple, you had your chance. The choice was yours." Pan tells what is left of Rumple before he gets inside the box.

"Come with me Arrow." I notice him saying that because im just looking shocked at the place my dear Rumplestilskin was standing just moments ago. "Arrow, love? Are you coming?" I shake my head and look up at him. "Sorry, what?" "I asked if you were coming." "What are we going to do?" "Were going to Henry." Considering i could try and save him im coming with. 

"Hey Henry. How are you doing?" He runs up to me and almost tackels me while hugging me. I let out a small groan and hug him back. "Ive missed you kiddo." "Ive missed you too Arrow."  

Pan cleares his throat getting our attention. "Its time, time to save magic." He says. "Wait save magic? Its dying? How can we save it? How is it even dying in the first place?" He looks at me with a look that gives me hints about didnt i tell Felix to tell you this. "Yes, Yes, Henry here, It had an hourglass of time." "How is Henry going to save magic?" "Henry needs to give me his hart so the magic timer stops." "I find that very unlogicall, does all magic run through you or something?" "and you." "Me? Really? Magic runs through me? Sure thing honey." He rases an eyebrow at the nickname. "Honey?" He seems like he wants to question more but decides against it. "Nevermind, lets go were running out of time." 

He walks up to a rock and puts pandoras box down. I sigh and look at him with sad eyes. He ignores it and talks. "Its time. Lets save magic and neverland." Hes a bit to cheerfull to my liking but okay. He walks up to Henry. " What do i have to do?" Henry asks. He really couldve told me to wait so he could tell us at the same time. "You have to give me your hart. The hart of the treuest believer." "You mean i have to believe?" "Henry, the only way to save magic and everyone who has it is by putting your hand inside of your body, grab your hart and put it inside Pans body." I say still sad about Rumple, knowing that in a few moments Henry will be gone too. 

"What will happen to me?" The conflicted boy asks. "Youll be the greatest hero of all time." Henry frowns "You can tell me the truth." He asks and i smile. "Yeah tell the kid the truth, no sugar coting." I say with a laugh "All magic has its price pan, i bet for this too." Henry tells him. Pan just chuckles. "I would never lie to you guys." "Im a girl, if you havent noticed." He looks at me with a Really? kind of look. "Just saying." i mumble and he continues. "But as i was saying, you are right Henry. There is a price. You have to stay here, on the island. Neverland will be your new home." "Will he die?" i ask not believing this guy. " I honestly dont know, i think he'll just live here without his hart. They said that he'll have to stay here forever." I nod and look at Henry. "I know its a big sacrifise but isnt it worth?" Pan asks Henry "Heros have to make sacrifise, thats what my familie says." 

I nod with respect and Henry looks up to me. "They would be proud of you, cause you will be saving them all. Im probably the most proud." The boys smile at me. "Are you ready?" Pan asks "Yes." Henry says. Pan looks to me and asks if im ready. "As ill ever be." He nods and looks at Henry. "Than ill help you." 

He waves his hand over Henrys and Henrys hand turns red. They look at each other and Pan nods. Henry jams in his hand and grabs his hart. You can see the pain over his face as he pulls it out. Right when its out Bea, Emma and Regina come running in. 

"Henry wait! Dont do what he says." "Dad your alive?" I look at him slightly imberrased of letting his son get this far off. The reasons for it are good on the other hand. "I am son. Listen close. Pan is lying to you." "Pleasure to see you to, Bealfire, the savior and... Evil queen." "Henry, get away from there, hes trying to hurt you." "No he isnt, hes trying to save magic and with that all of you." I say looking down. THey all nod no. "No its not, thats not what this is about. You have to believe us, the only person hes trying to save is us." "And me." i whisper but Bealfire catched it. 

"What? He tells you that hes going to save all of us but thats not true Arrow, its not true." "He told me i could get something, i dont really know but hes goin to save all of us and benefit me and him or something? I dont really know but what i do know is that ill die without it and Henry just needs to live here, with me." "Thats not treu, Pan cant live without Henry dying. If he gives up his hart." He shifts his gaze. "If you give up your hart, youll die. Not us." "They are trying to undermine your believe, dont let them. Think about it, every hero gets tested." "Henry, i know what its like to be a hero and this is not the way." I look at her with disbelief. "No you dont, the curse was by accident and the rest you got help with from real heros. You have no idea. Not sayin that i do but you could say the same." 

"Why would they lie?" Henry asks Pan. "Grown ups always do." He says stepping out to stand in front of the boy. "You know that better than anyone. You both do." I look down at the thought of all the lies they have told me. "Henry, Arrow, you have to believe us." "THey dont care about neverland!" Pan almost shouts. "They know if you give your hart to save it, you have to stay. There being selfish. "You have to trust us." Regina says softly. "Trust?! Im the only one whose always been honest and has always believed in you and Arrow, i had my reasons." I get teirs in my eyes but i blink them away, i cant crie. Its weak. "This is your choice Henry, not theres." Pan and i say at the same time. We look at each other and nod. "But youll have to choose now, because time is running out."

"We believe in you two." Bealfire tells us. "Because we love you Henry." Emma continues. "Ouch." I mumble and Bealfire looks at me with sadness. "More than anything." Regina continued when i said ouch. "I love you too." Henry tells them but i just look at them, Mad. They slowly start to walk up to the boy. "But i have to save magic, im sorry." With that he turns around and puts the hart into Pan. You can hear a slight scream of nos but soon a green glow waves of off Pan going over the intire island. But strangly enough when it hits me, i kind off consume it and a same wave gets out of me. Leaving me to feel very nausous. 

I fall on my knees putting my hand on the ground and coffing histaricly. Pan just lifts up in the air, gets down and grabs the box. I dont notice any of it because im coffing so hard. When i start to breath again i stumble to the edge of the cave hangin into one of the eyes, feeling like i could barf any second now. When i am wobbeling over there i can see Bealfire, Regina and Emma sitting by Henry. Im breathing heavily and cant focus. Pan walks up to me and asks me if im okay. "Yeah, where is Henry." i turn around and see him lying on the floor. "Is he alive?" I ask looking over at them. "I dont know." Regina says. I walk up to him and sit down on my knees, i put my hands over Henry and close my eyes. You can see the magic streaming out of my hands and i feel that Henry is still alive. He cant wake up though. "Hes alive, but cannot wake up." I tell them and get up to walk over to Pan. "Lets go love." He tells me. I turn around one last time and say. "Im sorry." 

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now