Oh jolly

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I wake up on deck of the jolly roger, i look to my sides and see Felix. "hey, good to see a nice face. What happend?" "well look whose awake, as far as i noticed henry got his hart back, because some newer boys betrayed us and they are ketting out gold now." "well the island isnt dying as far as i can tell, so pan should be fine. And about gold, RUMPLE!" 

He almost comes running over. "how are you dearie, why are you tied up next to him?" "I went of with pan, it wasnt really a choice, if it was up to me i wouldve been dead. But the lot doesnt trust me, and then they put me next to the second in command and lrobably my best friend. Quite stupid dont ya think." He snaps his fingers and im untied. "i dont see any reason you could betray us." I snap my fingers and let go felix with this too, there were objections when i got untied, but people are walking over so i put up a force ield around me and Felix. "im gettimg the hang of my magic! Oh and Felix is loyal to pan, yes but hes loyal to me first at least are you?" He responds with a slow nod. "see he wint hurt us, he might look big and scary but hes a big teddybear on the inside." I smile at him, and get a joking glare back. "so?" 

"fine, but you two will be watched!" David tells us and i let down the forcefield. "i was counting on it. Lets go Felix, ill show you a place to stay." "im coming with!" Hook says trying to be a dad. "no your not, you got a boat to handle." And me and Felix walk of to my cabin.

I some shouting and yelling, but it'll be fine. We got Rumple back. Felix is asleep on my bed and im getting ready to tuck in on some blankets on the floor, just as im lying down Felix wakes up from my moving, the floor isnt that comfy after all. "You can get in the bed, i wont bite. And besides, Pan has a thing for you. Im not buttting in." "I- He what? Nevermind tell me later i just want sleep." so i get up and crawl next to him. 


Its a long ride, and i wake up with Felix missing. He must be checking up on the lost boys. I walk up to deck too. "Hey Snow, do you think i could get any food or something?" I ask her hopefull, that she'll be kind on me. "You can buy some for yourself when your in storybrook." She looks at me angry, but doubting. "Its okay, i understand." She doesnt look at me and just walks away. I feel bad for what happend, but i had no choice. I'll go find Felix, and see if he got anything. 

I see him and also see Henry sitting down next to him, weard. "Hey boys, whats up?" I ask suspsicous. "I actually came to thank you." Henry says. "No matter what those other traitors do, im on Pans side. And Pan..." "never fails."  Henry finishes with a evil voice. "Oh shit." Felix looks confused and looks up at me, but then back to Henry, or better said "You heard me, Peter Pan never fails. He cant be stopped even when they think hes defeated. He finds a way." Henry or Pan tells us. "So you think your not safe?" Felix asks. "Oh Henry is not safe indeed, hes in pandoras box afterall. Isnt he? Pan?" I ask making sure of my assumptions. "Your a clever girl Arrow, you sure your not hungry Felix?" "Thank you, Pan." I sit down next to Felix. "Can i have a bite, they wont give me food." Felix parts a piece and gives me the fork. I take a bite. "Oh thats good." i say with my mouth full and the boys chuckle, "Dont worry Arrow, i wont hurt you anymore. You've gotten too valuable." "ehm thanks i guess?" "No problem love." I look at him weard one last time. "Yeah so im gonna get some sleep, you can come by anytime Felix. Later boys." I wave and walk off and so does Henry. 

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now