the mine

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im standing near the place where a mine collapsed as Regina begins a speech: "People of storybrook, dont be alarmed. we have always known the place was honeycombed with miningtunnels, but fear not. we are going to use our projects to make this area safer for the community. we will buldose it, collaps it and pave it." "pave it?! What if theres something down there?!" henry buts in. Regina ignores it and says a few words until we get told to step back. so ofcourse we all step back.  

Henry calls us over to talk about operation Cobra. "this requirs all of operation Cobra." "i didnt know i was in it?" Archie hesidently asks. "ofcourse, you know everything. We cant let her do this. What if somethings down there." "there are just some old tunnels." Emma says "that just happen to collapse on the night you get on the police around here." i say disapproving. "your changing things. Your weakening the curse." Henry explains. "thats not what happend." "yes it is!" Henry and i say in sync. "i thought you started to believe Emma" i say and Henry nods.  Regina comes in and sends Henry back to her car and emma pulls away to talk to me. 

"you really believe all of this?" "yes, i do. when i read the book i didnt believe it either. until i got to the part about Killian Jones. He has a daughter. Arrow, same name, same look, same attitude and same loss of parents. He left her in the enchanted forest. The thing is it never explains why because there is a page missing and i wanna know what happend. I really believe its true. And i have a feeling mister Gold knows about this. Or his instinkts are really good." "wow, im sorry to hear that about your parents kid, But mister Gold? what makes you think that?" "well he gave me the clothes and he always just seems to... know things. Things other people wouldnt have even thought about." "hm well i cant tell you i believe it yet, but i am gonna try to help find out what happend to your parents. Even if i have to unravel a storybook because of it. 


Henry got upset and than we went to the mines, just to cheer him up, well maybe. We walk inside with just the 2 of us. it looks really cool but kinda creepy, like it only takes a second until it falls down and we die. Henry calls over because he sees something. He grabs it out of the wall and looks at it. "Henry! Henry run!" the roof is starting to collaps and we start running to the exit. we run until we find Archie, i dont know why hes here but i fail to question it. The way out collapsed. "come on. follow us Archie." and we start running of. "theres something shiny in here." "Henry! Arrow! Look at me. Im fringtend." "because you think were crazy?" "no, because were trapped in a mineshaft we cant get out!" He yells, and i nod in kind of agreement "Is anybody outside?" i ask him. "yes, Emma." "than she'll get help and get us out right? easy as that." The guys look at me unsure, but trust me.

we hear a dog barking so we follow it until there are some metal sheets. Archie takes them down and behind is some old elevator. As stupid as we are we get on it and push the button to go up. Something explodes or something which makes the elevator go down a lot. "im really, really, really sorry." Henry says to Archie. "its alright." he says. Which is an absolute lie but Henry doesnt see it. "i just wanted proof." "its really alright. i-- im sorry too." mhm guess it is partly truth. "look, i dont think your crazy, or you Arrow. I- I just think you have a very strong mother whose got a good idea of path she wants you to follow and if you choose a different direction she gets scared. Thats natural.  But its also natural for you to be able to do what you think." "yeah i guess." i dont listen to them talking anymore after that, dont get me wrong. they talked. A LOT. but i just didnt listen. I begin function again when a light gets pointed at us. "you guys okay." i hear Emma say. the boys respond with a yes. Archer lifts Henry up to Emma and Emma grabs him. He wants to lift me up to but i'm more mobile than this guy and give him a step with my hands. Just when i let go the shaft begins to fall down and i grab am able to quickly grab Archies ankle. Thank god the actuall gods he is holding on to emma's belt. Were still alive. 

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now