saving Rumple

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I was climbing up a house to the roof. Jumping from roof to roof to the docks. Ive missed this. Nevermind there is a giant coming this way. Thats why i felt like i needed this stuff.

I jump my way there and hide on one off the roofs. I couldnt hear what Charming was saying but the giant said "deal." Before i could even blink he jumps. Thank god Snow pulls him away in away in time. A blue Magic mist teleports the giant away.

I climb down the roof and run over to them. "What the hell was that?!" We look inside the hole and... the giant didnt leave. He shrunk! They are all getting rope. Thats way to dangerous for the person going in there but it has to happen.

David is going down and im standing ready to save him. He puts the rope sound his waist and goes down. He gets to the small giant hand but than he slips. They start to fall but then hover in the pit. I bring them slowly up. Theyre rather heavy. David is close enough so he grabs the rope and the giant. That are safe enough but this really tired me out so i pass out.

Snow pov

"Arrow? Arrow?" I looks over at her and see her passed out on the ground. "ARROW!?" I feels if ashes alive. She is so i pick her up and put her in a car. "Does anyone know where Arrow lives?" I cant believe i don't even know where she lives. "Yes, she has a room at my bed and breakfast." Granny whispers in my ear. "Room 5." "Thanks Granny." "Just dont tell anyone dear." "Okay?" I take her to her room and pit her in the bed. I go get David to ask him, i can talk my husband i trust him.

"Shes in here." David nods and looks at Arrow. "Why cant we tell anyone she lives here?" "I dont know, i thought we knew her but shes all alone." I tell him " Oh, when Hook was in the hospital i came in and she punch him in the ribs. I asked her why she did it but she said i wouldnt get it. Because im not lost." "Why didnt you tell me?" "I didnt think it was a big deal." "She trusts Rumple. Her dad left her here. She is always working. Shes always alone. She really is lost. We all thought shes fine and we know her, but we dont know her at all. Shes all alone. Now remember when we tot back from that island were we found Hook i hadnt seen her until the accident." I tell David. "Well that doesnt matter right now, because she needs to go to the hospital." I nod and he picks her up.

Arrow is fine. Just exausted. We brought her back to her place. We dont know how long shes gonna sleep.

Arrow pov

I wake up in my bed. I wonder wil brought me here. Well im just gonna gp to the docks. I freshen up a bit and walk there. Ah there back and with the jolly roger "Hey guys!" "I drove a ship." Henry chirps. "Did you now? "Yeah my dad told me how." "Your dad?" "Thats me." Says a bit holding Rumple. "Why are you holding Rumple? Who are you anyways?" "Im neal and hes my father." "You have a kid?" I ask Rumplestilskin. "Well yes dearie hes right there. "What happend to you anyways? I havent been filled in." "I got stabbed by Hook." "Dat tot to you? Im gonna kill him." "Wait dad? Hook is your father? Wait are you? Arrow?" Neal says. "How do you know my name?" "Its me! Bealfire!" "Bae?" "Yes Arrow!" I step to hun and hug him "Oh bae i missed you! Dad got me soon after you left. 2 years later he leaves me here." "Im so sorry." "You got nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault." I tell him. "I hate to break up the party but we gotta go." Emma says. I nod and bae grabs Rumple. We go to the shop. Rumple is sitting being sick and talking to Snow. Emma and Bar are talking and i have no idea what im supposed to do. Just waiting i guess. David is off to who knows what.

Now there needs to be put a protectionspell. Emma holds my hand and we do it together. Everything starts to shake "who are we fighting again?" "It's them. Cora and regina." "Oh okay." We all stand ready David, Emma and bae With a sword and me with my knifs and daggers. Sniw is leaving oncw there inside. I twirl 2 knifes around my fingers and wait for attack. Bae looks over at me and smiles. I raise my brow and chuckle. Than they come in. Regina throws a firewall (now i have the song in my head) and David rejects it but than hets thrown out the open door. The door gets closed and Emma gets pushed back. Bae and i charge but they dissapear in smoke getting to Emma. The dagger falls and i grab it with magic. "You have Magic?!" Bae shouts. "cool ha!" I respond and laugh. Its soon over because she throws me in the air with magic. Im happy im quite the ninja which makes me stand on my feet. She throws a dure hall and i fall down losing the dagger and her grabbing it. We go behind the door that they cant get in and hide. "You okay Arrow?" Bae asks. "Yeah, thanks bae." "Its neal now." "yeah... no. I like baelfire better so im just gonna call you that thanks." He smiles and i smile back. "Was there anything going kn between you 2?" Emma asks. "Bae never knew this but i liked him. We were best friends and i was 14 years old in a island with only boys. You wouldve liked him too. He was quite the gentelman." Emma laughs but bae just says "you liked me?" "I think we need to go right Emma?" "Sure kid." I mumble a thanks and we go to Rumple. "Hes getting weaker. Sjes gonna get through" Bae says. "Maybe its for the best. Than at least the power will pas from this world." Rumple replys. "Oh no Rumple your not dying on us. Im not letting you." "I am dying dearie. That much is certain. I need to talk to Belle." "No your not telling to Belle. You cannot say goodbye to her because your not gonna die. Im not letting you you hear me!" "Emma?" He says. "Emma no. Please don't." "Im sorry kid. He deserves a goodbye." "Whose Belle?" bae asks. "His girlfriend." Emma responds and gives him the phone. with that i walk out and turn aroumd in the opening "in not honig to let you die." I turn back around. Geen my knifes and walk away. I hear footsteps coming after me but i just keep walking. "Arrow?" I hear Emma calling.
"Stop walking." I dont. she runs and catches up to me. "What are you doing?" "Saving Rumple." "Why? Hes gonna die anyways." And with that i snap. I walk to her face to face and yell "BECAUSE HES THE ONLY ONE I HAVE LEFT!" "Go." "What?" "Go, get yourself killed." "Say bye to everyone will ya." And with that i walk away. Ready to kill and save him."

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now