the thinking tree

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We fly to a very big tree, known as his thinking three. "What was that?" I ask the boy standing next to me. He smirks and says "Didnt you just feel the power?" "You mean that powerfull and also sickening feeling?" "Yes thats the one!" He says walking towords a different edge, sitting down. "Didnt you just love it." I walk up to him and sit down next to the guy "Yeah sure, i almost choked of coughing but after all of that stuff it felt kind of nice. Is Henry going to be dead?" He goes pokerface. "I dont know, i dont like not knowing but that doesnt matter right now. What does matter is that the savior and her crew is going to stop by any minute to take the hart back." "Whats your plan on stopping them?" "Youll see, just do what i ask you of." "Sure, no promisses though. Im not going to do anything to craz--" He puts a finger to my mouth and i jerk my head back. "What?" "Shh, there here." 

He silently jumps down on the side were seated, with this view i cant see anything so im putting my powers to the test. I stand up and close my eyes, i believe i can fly. (I believe i can touch the sky... sorry ill continue with the story) I open my eyes and im about 2 meters up from the pallet underneath me. (2 meters is about 6 feet) I fly up to a close tree and hide out of sight but i can still hear them. "Dont you know, Peter Pan never fails." Pan says while stepping infront of Snow, Regina and Emma. Didnt expect you to find here, but you mothers are ofcourse very pleasures about your ofspring. Thats where i can come in, there is only one way to be reunited with Henry... in death." Regina jerks trying to get out of the viens i just notice. 

"Having trouble moving? No surprise, the crushing will make you die." He tells them looking up and down. "What are you talking about?" Emma questions. I look at her and notice the tiredness on her face, her complete face is hanging. "With this tree something very important happend to me. I abandend my little brother here. He meant everything to me." "If that is treu you must have regret too." "No, i dont. The opposite. I put him in this box, so i dont lose him again." "Rumplestilskin is your brother?" Regina asks amazed. "Thats right" "Hows that possible? Your"  "Younger than him? Not really, just like you two." He says walking up to them clearly amused. "Your a fraud." Regina states and i chuckle but quickly stop before they hear. "Your magic is weakend. You cant even hurt us, let alone Rumplestilskin." "Your right, thats why im here." "This tree will protect me until my power is healed and than. well, than we get to have some real fun." He scoffs. "Than ill never have to worry about my little brother again, just like you dont have to worry about your child." "There has to be an otherway." Emma goes. "There isnt, you see this tree attacks people with regret. And you, you have plenty." "I only regret not killing you when i had the chance." She counters but Pan outsmarts her "Thats not all is it, savior? I have your sons hart inside of me and i can feel how often youve let him down, time after time." "Leave her alone." Snow is really trying to be a good mom, shes only a few years to late but still. "Perhaps i should, after all. How are you any of a mother?  Look at the example youve set, you left her for her faith for twenty eight years." 

"Are you finished?" I really dislike Regina. "Last words from the queen, probably the person who has the most to regret of all." "Yeah, theres just one problem. I hit one curse and hit an entire population, i have tortured, i have killed and i have done some terrible things. I should be full of regret but im not." She says shaking her head and breaks free "Because it gave me my son." I get out of my hiding place but im too late, i can feel a hand inside my chest and it hurts twice as much. When i look down i dont see a hand in my body, but when i look up i see one in Pans. Why do i feel it? I then notice im on my knees and grunting and see Emma looking at me. She quickly puts her hands on the hart and pulls it out of Pans body. Regina also picks up the box with Rumple in it, kind of happy she got that. I hear a good but then black out. 

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now