lets go home

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Were looking for the ink. He went a bit basketcase in this cell. Mulan finds the flask but its empty. Suddenly Aurora takes it out of Mulans hands and throws it against the things that controls the door. "WHAT! AURORA!WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
"Helping me of course." Cora and Hook step out of the dark. "Dad?"
"Oh don't look so disapointed dear. He left you in that curse anyways." "Dont bother to try and get out. Even Rumplestilskin couldnt do it. Thank you Aurora we couldnt have done it without you."
Emma, Mulan and Snow start to question her. "She has her hart." I grit through my teeth.
"Yes, clever girl. She was only obaying my wishes."
"You took her hart?" Emma asks.
"Actually i did. It was a gift." Nu father says.  I stumble back against the wall and sit down in disbelief. "How could you do this?! To your own daughter?!"  Emma asks furious. "Forgive us. We cant stay stay. Storybrook awaits." She turns around and walts away. Now dad turnes around and mumbles a sorry before he starts walking "No your not." I whisper and he hears it letting his head hang low.
"Hook wait! Please don't do this! My son is there. He needs me!"
"Perhaps you wouldve considerd not leaving me at the top of the beanstock."
"I waited for you." I mumble. "What's that?" He asks. I stand up and speed walk to the bars and grab them "I WAITED FOR YOU!" I start to sob. He lets out a sad look. "You wouldve done the same Hook, you wouldve done the same." Emma says "actually no... you know what this is?" "The been of the giant." And Emma tries to grab it.
"Ah ah ah. Thats right. A pirate always take a sourvenire of his conquest but this isnt just a trofee. This is a symbol. Something that was once magical and full of oppurtunities. Now its dried up, dead and usseless. Much like you." Now he really walkes of.

Emma starts to bang in the bars with a sword. "Thats not gonna help. It was enchanted to stop Rumplestilskin."
" im sorry, its my fault." Aurora says. "No, its mine. I shouldve protected you better." Mulan objects
"Thats very sweet. But it's my fault. Im the savoir and im not doing much saving."
"Well, you at least try. Hes my dad. I always know how to read him. What hes thinking and gonna do but i was so blinded by that he maybe wanted me back... that i didnt see it. I shouldve seen it."
"Were going to win this fight you know. Good always wins from evil."
"You sound like Henry." "Guess optimism runs in the family."
"I think it skipped a geniration."
"You should know better than anybody. You broke the curse."
"What have i done since then." They bikker some more
Your good well win
No no we wont
Yes we will
No we wont
Etc. etc. Its fucking annoying.

we were sitting in the cage. Snow and Emma looking for something. Mulan and Aurora are talking about something irrelevant and im sitting with my knees to my chest and a blank expression on my face in the corner. 

"we are getting out of here." snow says. "How? that scary ass scroll wont make a magical door that will open up." Snow chuckles and says "yes it does. When i was a little girl i would sneek to look at Cora practise magic. She had a spellbook and Emma, there were spells in the book." okay captain obvious... "yeah.. isnt that what a spellbook is. a book with spells in it." "watch."

Snow blows on the paper and a darkblue mist comes of it. Emma gets up. "wow squidink. Gold used the squidink!"  "i told ya. good always wins."

i finally get up, because well. there is a huge hole where the bars were. 

"wait! You cant go! you have to tie me up!" aurora says. Mulan instantly says no.  "i cant be trusted. not as long as Cora has my heart." "than i will get it for you."

"mulan we got to go." Emma says. Mulan ties Aurora to one of the bars and walks towords Emma and Snow. They almost walk out but Snow turns around "are you coming Arrow?" "oh right sorry. yeah im coming." 

we walk over some sort of beach and a little further ahead i see Cora and... Hook standing there. "there they are." i whisper to Emma. 

she starts to run. "Dont let go. unless you wanna go elsewhere." Cora says to Hook.

Snow shoots the compas out from there hands with her bow and Emma says "Your not going anywhere. We are going through that portal." "Emma the compas." Snow says and we engage battle. Emma fights with Hook sword to sword. Mulan and Cora are fighting. Cora sending fireballs and Mulan with her awesome sword. Snow is firing arrows at both of them. and me? im trying to work my magic. litterally.

Feet on the floor and rubbing hands. mind blank and use your insticts. I focus real hard.

In the mean time  Cora vanishes and the hart goes in the air. heading towords the portal. Hook save's it "i may be a pirate but i dont fancy a woman loosing a hart. Unless its over me ofcourse." 

Mulan is off to get Aurora her hart and since Cora is gone i stopped trying to do i dont know what.  "oh so you do have a soft side." Emma says to Hook. "no i dont, but i do like a fair fight." 

"i guess your not counting me Hook." and with that he looses his sword. Emma grabs the compas and knocks him out. "lets go home." "yeah now its only Cora." We engage battle with her. Emma and myself get pushed down. "why do you wanna go to storybrook?" Snow asks. "because my daughter needs me. Now im going to give her something she always wanted. Your heart." She sticks her hand out but Snow gets pushed away by Emma. "oh you foolish girl. Dont you know love makes you weak." She tries to take Emma's hart out but failes. She keeps trying and grunting until Emma says. "no, it makes you stronger." She uses some sort of magic to push Cora away. We take the compas and jump. I dont know what happend to Mulan and Aurora, but maybe ill find out someday. 

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang