The boyzz

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pan pov

Im listening on the conversation just a few feet up ahead. Regina is using a tracking spell, because Emma misses the part of her being a orphan ofcourse. Arrow is not having it, shes not going to cheat. Shes scared of me, shes hot while being sassy. She sure looks better than back then, considering she was about 2 years younger back than, well her body... "ill manage, im going to look for Felix, Alex and Bae and get of the island and if i dont make it id rather die then be captured again. Trust me if i get captured ill be dead too." "what do you mean by that?" "ill kill myself, i wont have anything to live for anyways." They all look at her shocked as do i. Hook just looks at her with a look of guilt. I wonder what happend there. She hust schrugs and walks away towords camp. I teleport there to tell Alex and Felix to go into the woods to her and find a girl. They will recognise her when they see her. This is going to be fun.

Arrow pov

I have been walking for a few hours and just as im getting ready to conjure up some food i hear a rusteling and a familliar voice. I croutch down and see Alex standing there talking non stop to Felix who is noding so much im afread his head will fall of. I stand up and they see me. They look like they have seen a gosth but i quickly remember out deal. I give them a death glare put my arms over my chest and rase my right eyebrow. They remember when i do this and do the same. "Alex, Felix." "Arrow." They respond at the same time, i crack and break out in a grin. When i break they do to and walk up to me. I put my arms around boys. Its quite hard considering they are much bigger than me and they pull back. "What the hell are you doing here?" "im here for Baelfire and Henry. I know where not going to get Henry but i was hoping i could get Bae. Have you seen him? Hes all grown up." "yeah, we put him in the cages, he looks good doesnt he." Alex blurts out. Felix hits him with his elbow and i chuckle. "i only want to take him back, im trying to avoid camp, i need you guys to promiss me something okay?" They hesitate but nod. "if i get captured by Pan, get me a knife please? I promiss i wont hurt Pan or any of the lost boys, but ill spare you the details." I look down when i say this and they understand i dont want any questions. "yeah we promiss." Alex says and Felix nods. "maybe you can stay at Tinker bells for the night? You used to be friends with her right?" "yeah, thats a great idea. Im going to go there. Get back to camp and come see me at our spot tonight. Okay?" "yessir." Alex says and Felix says "sure." Before walking off to camp. 

Charming pov

We are walking to the camp from Pan. Nobody is here and Snow is accusing Regina her spell might went wrong, it could be but she denies. That until we see Henry stand ontop of a small hill. "Henry!" my dear daughter yells of dispair. We all run to him, but Henry turns around. No, this cannot be. It is Pan. "Where the hell is henry?" Emma asks. "You broke the rules. Thats not fair and uncalled for. I expected more from you captian." As if that stupid pirate wouldve figured it out. "Aye, and yell get it." "Where is your lovely daughter? She couldnt make it to the show? Dont worry dear captian, she'll be here for the next." What a bad father, al he gives is a glare. Everybody would give a glare. "Give Henry to me!" Emma demands. "Sorry, cant. Dont you know? Cheaters never win." "and Peter Pan never fails." I mumble.

I quickly notice all the Lost Boys coming out of there hiding spots. I get my sword at the ready for a fight. "Look out for there arrows, there filled with dreamshade." The pirate tells us just before the fight. Arrows are being shot that i hit off, carefull not to touch them. I do that a few times before i see someone trying to shoot Mary Margret from the back. "Mary Margret!" I yell and push her aside, too late myself as i get cut with the arrow. Damnit that poison hurts. "David?" She asks worried. "Im fine, behind you!" I warn her as Mary Margret shoots at the boy. 

We fight some more until Pan whistels. All the lost boys run back and Pan starts talking "Remember what i told you. The map will lead you to Henry, when you stop denying who you really are. Ill make sure to stop and send Henry your regards." With that he turns around and runs off, all the Lost Boys follow him yelling and shouting.

Arrow pov

My legs are tired and my head hurts but im seeing the little treehouse up ahead. I sigh from happieness seeing that and start to run towords it. "Tink! Tink are you there?!" I see someone jumping down with her hands on a sword. Its Tinkerbell! "Arrow? What the hell are you doing back here? Are you absolutly crazy? He'll get you again!" "Yes, i know. But Henry and Bealfire are on the island and i need to save them. Well at least Bealfire." "Ohh, you still like that boy?" "oh shut up. Hes an adult now." "Really? Thats not good around here. Not good at all. Come in, get some sleep." "Thanks Tink. I owe you." "oh nonsense, you dont owe me anything." I smile and walk inside and get ready to sleep.

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora