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I wake up from those horrible cries. Never heard those before. I see Emma up and silently follow her. "do you hear them too? Your Emma arent you? Dont they hear the crying?" "who are you?" Emma snaps. "did i forget to introduce myself? Im Peter, Peter Pan."  "where is Henry?" I see Emma charging and pinning Pan against a tree, not like that would do anything and he calmly says. "fire, i like fire." "Where is my son?!" "calm down lass, hes still alive if thats what your worried about." "what do you want from him?" "hes special." "i know, now answer me. What do you want from him?" "i wanted to look at my opponant 'the savior'. You spike my interest." He says completly ignoring the question. "are you going to tell me ill never see Henry again?" "no no dear Emma, im here to help you find him. I brought you a map. A map which you can use to find your son." "if this is a trap--" "now, now, i may not be the most behaved boy on the island but i never break my promisses. That parch gives you the direct route to find Henry." "why are you giving me this?" "its not about finding him but about how you find him. Oh and Emma, your the only one who can. She takes the map and opens it. "Its blank" Pan only shrugs and says " youll only be able to read that map when you stop denying who you really are." with that he turns to walk away "goodluck 'savior' and ill see you later Arrow." and walks off. 

Emma looks around for the boy who suddenly dissapeard when he started walking and i come out of my not so well found hidingspot. "lets get back and wait for everyone to wake up shall we lass." Emma nods and looks at me weard when i call her lass but ignores it nontheless. While sitting down on a log i think about the conversation between those two. She needs to stop denying who she really is. Considering Emma who is more stobburn than anything you can think of that would be really hard. The last time i saw him my eyes were blue, my lip splitt and no shadow from the torturing and he told me i got to go and try to find my dad. The thing is i couldnt go to the beach, if i did that he would get me back and be tortured some more. To make sure i didnt do that he gave me 2 of his lost boys to come with. Alex stayed with me all the time and Felix came to check up on us about 3 days a week. This was going on for about 2 months before i found my dad and they let me go. I became good friends with the two boys in the mean time. I hope ill see them again. They were a tough nut to crack, but i did it. Alex is a talker and very skillfull, hes proud of what he has become but also a bit outfashioned. Felix on the otherhand is pretty quite, cold and harsh but when you break through hes pretty insecure and just a little lost boy. They were very comftable to be around and we made a deal. If i would ever return for the island and we would see each other we would give each other a harsh look, arms crossed and right eyebrow rased. If the other person would copy it they would still remember and care for one another, if not well, i dont really wanna know... I wake up from my doze when i hear Da-- Hook talking.

"The boy likes his games." He says while sitting down on a rock. "What games? There is nothing on there?" Regina replies, oh Hades im so tired of that woman. "If he says there is a map, than there is. As he said, he may not be the most well behaved boy on the island, but he never breaks a promiss." I say. "Hes a bloody demon, he is." Hook mumbles under his breath while shaking his head. "Great, now i just need to stop denying who i really am." Emma sighs. "How do you know this couldnt be used as a trap." "Because he doesnt need to... This whole island is a bloody trap." David and Snow walk in. "There is no sign of him anywhere." "why would he stick around and show him to you guys." Snow gives me a sharp look and asks Emma if she made any progress with the map. "oh stop!" Regina says. "What now?" Emma reacts. "Dont you see what hes doing? Were here fighting and not looking for my son." "You got a better idea?" Emma sighs annoyed. "Magic." "yeah, no, peter pan never fails and cheaters never win." I say staring in the woods with no emotion on my face." They all look at me like im crazy even Emma who hasnt left her gaze from the map before that. Regina breaks the silence. "If there's a lock on there ill figure it out." 

"No, i have to do this." Emma buts in and quickly puts her hand on the map. I just sit there, staring into the unknown, well nevermind i pretty well know this place. Ive spent about 3 days in this exact spot. "listen to Emma love, breaking Pans rules is pretty unwise." Hook says. "The pirate is right." me and David say at the same time. Hook has a slight look of hurt on his face but quickly masks it with smugness. "aye, you support me too now." 

"and your magic doesnt exactly have a gentle touch." Snow says. "Well let Arrow do it then, she seems to know so much about this place." Regina counters back. "No." i simply answer, not botherd to look up. "And why not." "because, Regina" i spit out "Magic isnt going to help a thing, its only going to make matters worse, Peter Pan never fails and cheaters never win. We can look for Henry, by using that map and try to find Baelfire but we probably wont even get him alive so dont get your hopes up. I can get you there and ill try my best to help you but im not going in that camp nor am i going to break his rules. I dont want to get tortured here again." "again?" "dont sound so surprised love." I tell Emma and get up. I walk to get a canteen to hang on my belt that is full of weapons as i block the rest out and eat an apple. 

They are still talking and Emma is trying to figure out what to do until Refina grabs it out of her hands. "what are you doing." Emma asks. "saving Henry." "how exactly?" I ask. "with a locaterspell." She says while lighting up the parchement. "yeah, im gonna go. Im not taking any risks. Hope to not see you all soon." "what you cant go! Youll die!" Snow yells at me. "ill manage, im going to look for Felix, Alex and Bae and get of the island and if i dont make it id rather die then be captured again. Trust me if i get captured ill be dead too." "what do you mean by that?" "ill kill myself, i wont have anything to live for anyways." They all look at me shocked and Hook full of guilt. I just shrug and walk away off to find the boyzzz. 

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu