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"hey mary margret. How are you?" Im on a night shift at the hospital and came to check in on the patients. "hello Arrow, im fine thank you. Im going to read to the john doe for Henry." " oh yeah, he told me about that. Good luck waking your knight up." She nods with a nervous smile and walks in, opens the book and reads. I silently listen to her telling the story of snow white. Suddenly his hand grabs mary margrets and i jump to acction. I check of there is any action in his pupils and a few other things. Everything seems like they were before."strange." I mumbel. "everything seems like the ussual. He could have responded to your talking it happens sometimes. Maybe if you come back everynight you can kickstart the whole happening. "yes, i'll come back tommorrow afternoon with Henry and Emma." "alright see you then."


"woah, hold on! Henry! Mary Margret it worked. Hes missing, but hes awake. All we have to do is find him. I have to finish my shift but then ill catch up with you guys." 

as soon as my shift is over i go into the woods where we agreed to meet, and i quickly find everybody bringing John back. Hes alive, walking and talking so he seems fine. Henry walks up to me. "So what happend out there?" I ask him and he shushes me: "Not so loud, they dont believe yet and i had to promiss not to tell.  We first found his hospital tag with some blood on it, so we rushed into the woods. The sherrif found him laying in some water and they picked him up and got him out of the water. I had to look away from Emma, but i didnt, she was too busy anyways. Emma checked his wrist for a pulse and he was alive, but not breathing. They mumbled it, thats how i know. Snow started pumping his chest, and blowing air inside his lungs but it turned into a kiss? It was very strange, but a kiss is a kiss, and this was a true loves kiss. Tadaa, that was the beautifull story of how they got back together. He just doesnt have any memories." I let out a small sigh, "so never let Snow do cpr on me please, i dont care if you do it, i just dont wanna be kissed by Snow. Thanks kid." He chuckles and nod, "will do."


I also work at golds, yes i know a lot of jobs but i need a lot of money and he only lets me work with him. He trusts me. Sometimes i get some clothes or some other stuff and today is one of those days. I get a box of pirate clothes. I try them on and they seem to fit me like a glove. Mr Gold looks at me proudly. "you look good in that dearie. Keep it."" Thank you mister gold. " i say and wave goodbye as i walk out the store. I have to show this to Emma and Henry. Guess its time to say im in the book. I call them to get to my room at Granny's in 10.

"Arrow, you there?" I open the door and they look at me in shock. "what are you wearing?" Henry asks. "well i kinda am in the book. Im killian Jones kid. Captain Hook. And this was my uniform. You can look at the picture." I explain with a hesitant look. Henry smiles and hugs me. "i knew you were in there somewhere!" "wow, you look exactly the same." Emma says. "finally starting to really believe savior. "haha, well to be honest. Yes."

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesWhere stories live. Discover now