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a few weeks have past now. a lot off things have happend.

first Graham started to see memories. He got visits by a wolf and looked for his hart. He died, Regina crushed it. While kissing Emma, way to start an relationship. 

Emma got fired from the police, and got sherif then. I know, big curveball there.

Mr Gold and Regina started a fight. Which was coming for a long time now. But it didnt surprise anyone/

Some guy on a bike named August Who stole the book came to town.

Mary Margret and david got together. I was just waiting for those soulmates to finally agree. it went on and off a little while until they rememberd.

golds store got robed. He took matters in his own hands. As always. He refuses to tell me what happend. Probably doesnt want we to get scared of him or something. He also found love. Her name is Belle, beautifull girl she is. 

Ruby quit her job at Granny's.

Mary Margret gets suspected for murder at Kathryn.

Emma got kidnapped. But then got back again.

Emma tried to get Henry to legally be her kid. I dont think she got it, havent been keeping track on that subject. I havent babysat him in a while anyways.

Henry got sick. It was so bad he could die, thank god we saved him.

Everybody started to believe. The evidence was everywhere. It took them long enough.

Emma broke the curse.
And then i rememberd. I rememberd  liking a guy, and being left for dead in the enchanted forest. All because i like a guy. Im sixteen how can i not like guys... its natural... I dont even like him anymore.So Hook left me and never came back. The crew didnt dare cross him. The raised me. Took care of me. But didnt dare cross the captain. Oh And he found out i have Magic... so he tried to keep me safe.

And now.
Hes here...

We went to some island. There was a war with the ogers. There was a masacre and there he lay onder a dead person. Like the coward he always was.
His hand twitches and Emma saw "hey! There is someone here."
They pulled the body off and he raised his hands in the air. Than i saw his face. He didnt see mine but i walked away. "Please, please help me!" He said and thats the last thing i heard before i was out of range and sat down against a tree.

Emma noticed i was gone, and walked after me. "Hey kid. Why did you leave?"
"I-- i don't know. I dont wanna talk about it." "Its okay, you can tell me."  "Fine, he ehm hes my dad."  "Oh... I dont know what to say. In guessing your not that happy considering you walked away." "Well the last time i saw him he left me in the enchanted forest to die. Than the curse hit."
"Im so sorry kid. But we really have to go."
I nod and get up. We went to get a bit of shelter and Hook hasnt seen me yet. Emma is trying to support me and she promissed to not tell the rest. Just that they should keep us 2 apart.


Pov Hook

I was sitting at a table until a fine blond walked up to me. "thank you for your kindness. Favour must be with me." I said like im just a hopeless lad. "An island full of corpses. Your the only one to escape. How exactly did that happen." Oh shes nosy. "They attacted at night. Slaughterd everyone in one fair swoop. When she started ripping out there harts i hid myself under the dead. Pretending to be one of them. Mercifully that list worked."
"So much for fortune." "It was all i could do to survive." Oh they had no idea. "Im gonna let you in on a little sercet." The blond tells me. "Im pretty good at knowing when someone lies."  


Arrow pov

I heard something skreech behind me so i look. Seeing Emma put a knife at my dads neck. "You better tell us who you really are or were not going anywhere." Emma questions and without thinking i talk. "Yeah you better tell her dad. Shes about to slit your throat."
Everybody looks at me in shock. "Arrow? Your alive?"
"Oh safe it. Emma do whatever you want with him."
"Okay, your call."
She starts to drag him to a tree when the ogers come. He still wont talk... idiot. "You either talk or get killed by the ogers." Emma says. "You cant just leave me here. Arrow? Are you going to let them kill your dad?" I simply nod yes and look at Emma "so where are we going?"

"Alright than. You win. I can count the amount of people on one hand." I scoff and Emma speaks. "Is thats supposed to be funny?" "Who are you?"
"Killian Jones, Arrows dad as you know. But people tend to call me by a more colourfull name of mine... Hook."

"Hook?" Mary Margret says. "Take my saccle."
"As in captain Hook?" Emma asks dumbfound. "Ah so you heard of me." "At least your ego hasnt shrunk." I say and he scoffs. "Ofcourse not my little sailor." "Dont. Call. Me. That." I grith through my teeth. "Hurry up theyre getting closer so unless you wanna be dinner you better start talking." I respond to the idiot on a tree. If the ogers dont hurry, im not sure I wont kill him. 
"Cora wanted me to gain your trust so i can find out everything there is to know about your storybrook." "Ofcourse." I mumble.

He told us how she wanted to go to storybrook so we tied him down and took him 'prisoner'.

He wanted to go to get me back and i live there and not planning on leaving oh and he wanted revenge on rumple. Not letting that happen.

"You know im not a very good climber." We need to go up a beanstock and go to that giant. "Well little sailor. You can look out at the bottom with Snow white here." "Okay, and dont call me that again or i'll break your fingers one by one." He chuckles and continues to walk.

"Wait but these beans create a portal. Why not just pick one and go home?" Emma asks. "Because there aren't anymore smart ass." I tell her. "Shes right. Whatever story you think you know my dear is wrong."
"There was a guy named jack and a cow and something about a giant, a treasure and a goos with golden eggs or a harp?"
"Sounds like a lovely tale. But the real story is much worse." He says to Emma. "Yeah much worse. The giants grew the beans and used them to plunder the lands. Jack as you said and his men got into war with them and killed all for one. He lives up there. The beans where destroyed by the ginds, because well if they cant have them. Why can we? I did hear there were a few left. But not on this land."
"Evel giants who grew magic beans. Why wont anyone go up and grow some more?"
I open my mouth to speak but dat butts in "because one giant survived. The biggest and scarriest of all. We need to get past him and get the compas." "Well dad thats not completly true. We do have to go past him but hes asleep. Not that deep so don't wake him but Felix said that you know who grew a few." He frowns when i bring up felix but lets it be. "Well once we get the compas we steal the ashes from Cora and leave."
"How do we know your not stealing them for her?" The warrior chick asks. "Because you five are far safer company." Hook reasons, but im not buying it. "You might wanna re-think that." "Oh i raised you little girl you dont scared me." "You have no idea."
"Well, ehm we better start climbimg." Emma says.
He needs to do a spel and to do so he needs to get uncuffed. Sadly he begins to halfly undress before us. And Emma gets red... i really need to talk to her about that.

Emma and Hook start there climb  and we just wait here. Snow is of to get some food with the sleepingbeauty.
The warrior chick is going hunting.  and im building a fire.
When the day is over everybody goes to sleep, except me i have first shift.

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin