operation Cobra

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"emma what a lovely name." i hear mister Gold say. "thanks." she responds. im happy the conversation ends there, mister Gold can be quite intimidating from time to time. He seems to like me though. I walk down and greet Rumple. He says hi back and grabs his rol of money. "enjoy your stay." he speaks "emma." and he leaves the store.

Emma goes to her room and i walk to the kitchen. I grab a glass of water and walk back to my room, read a bit and then finally go to sleep. 

i wake up by the ringing of the clock. Its been a long while sinds that rang. I look down the hall and see Regina standing trying to scare Emma so obviously i listen in. Not for long because Emma seems to handle herself quite wel and i loose interrest, i mean its always empty threaths from that woman. 

i go downstairs to have some breakfast at the counter. Emma sits down a few seats from me looking through the paper. I want to say something but i wait when she gets a chocolate milk she didnt order. she got it from Henry, its a good kid, but he sure knows how to easily manipulate people into small things like this. He goes outside with Emma but before he goes he asks me to come with. i say yes and follow them through the door.

"i have a plan to break the spell. Step one: the identification. I call it operiation Cobra." Henry explains. "cobra? that doesnt sound very faritail like." "its just to keep Regina from trail." It amazes me how he talkes to her like they have know each other for ever. "so everyone here is a fairitail caracter?" "yes, time was frozen until you showed up. The only person whose not in the book are me and Henry." i explain. "Emma takes out an apple from her pocket and starts to take a bite. "What are you doing! where did you get that?" "ehm your mom." emma responds. Henry takes the apple right out of her hand and throws it away. Emma seems shocked but continues her questions. "what about there pasts?" "they dont know anything about it." Henry tells her. "so for decades people have been walking around in a haze, not again, without there memories, stuck in a place with a curse that kept them oblivious." "yes and your the only one who can undo it. your the only one who can stop the curse" Henry says smiling. "because im the daughter of snow white and prins charming." she still doesnt believe it, well at least shes smart enough to understand it... "yes, and right now we have the advantige. Regina didnt know this but Henry took the ending out." he takes out the papers and shows them. "see your mother is snow white. the hero never believes it at first. If they did it never would be a good story. If you need proof, take this, read this but whatever you do not ever show her these pages. there dangerous. if she find out who you are, this will end very badly." we walk up to Henry's school. "i got to go now! I knew you'd believe me!" he yells "i never said i did!" emma responds grinning. "why else would you be here!" and he walkes inside.  

mary margret or snow white walkes up to us. "its good to see his smile back." "i didnt do anything." you can see Emma get defensive. "you stayed. Does the mair knows your still here?" she asked playfull. she was always my favorite teacher. "oh she knows. How is she mair? How did she even get elected?" Emma says shocked. "oh, shes been mair as long as i can remember. no one has been braive enough to run against her. She inspires quite a bit of... well fear en i figure that will be worse because of that book. Henry sees her as the evil queen now." she explains. "and who are you acording to him?" "thats very silly." "i dont look up anymore from silly." " snow white. " she responds shaking her head. "who does he think you are?" "snow white." you can see the shock on Emma's face. "what does he think you are?" "im not in the book." She quickly says. "Regina said that Henry goes to therapy. Do you know his docter?"

Mary tells her and goes to him. Before i go my own way run after mary "shes snow whites daughter. The savior, explains why she didnt tell you ha." I smirk, and turn around. Leaving a very shocked Mary.

hi im arrow // part one of the arrow seriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum