"You are definetly not going anywhere. Not after I fuck you into next year" he said and with that he left my mouth and turned me around with so much force I did not comprehend a think until my ass was in the air and he slammed in me with so much force I had to scream.

What did I get myself into again.

With four more rounds I remember that we both collapsed on the bed he tried to talk to me after that but what could I answer after my brains were fucked completly so I passed out.

I was woken up with the sound of the shower running making me groan and I remember that I brought the covers up to my fave then fell into deep slumber once more.
I did feel Lucas kiss my forehead like he usually did every morning before leaving to work but after that nothing else.

I remember waking up again at nine am and that was due to the alarm that kept blaring in my phone.

That was three days ago.
I really needed to get out there and start working again.
Staying at home was doing a toll on me.

"Anything new Landry?" I asked on the other hand and I could hear numerous taps on the keyboard making me chuckle.

He was more frustrated than I was.

"Nothing new. Oh actually a transaction is being made from Mildred's account and if you give me atleast two hours I'll know where the money is going and who it is going to" he said making me me chuckle and I nodded.
I did not feel like working at the moment since I had promised my mother that I would be at her house in one hour.

"I have to go see mum and when you are done with it send them to me.
Make sure they are legit" I said and when I heard him breath out okay two times I chuckled then cut the call.

After that I went to shower and when I was done with that I chose an outfit that matched my mood and the place I was going to then applied some gloss so that my lips dont remain d

"We saw snipers earlier when we were going to pick Cy from the bus earlier" my mother mentioned casually making the juice in my mouth chocke me and a violent cough broke through me making me bend over from the couch i was sitting on.

After a full two minutes of me coughing and my mother not doing anything apart from watching me see my life flash infront of me i calmed down.

"And how exactly did you see snipers mom last time i checked you werent a vampire" i said looking at her and she chuckled.

"Ofcourse i am not but we have word from our connections that snipers are targeting us" she said looking at me and my eyed narrowed.

Looking at my baby who was playing careless on the floor with his toys I felt anger bubble up in me.
Oh hell no.

"But dont worry we have a couple of droves ready to light them up when they decide to misbehave" my mother said with a smirk and as if that was of any assurance to me.

Mostly these rich people hired some pretty good and trained snipers.
They rarely missed their shot and whenever they did they wouldnt miss the second time.

"I am going to kill her" i said with gritted teeth my hands forming a fist but i felt my mother's palm on them making my attention go to her.

I could feel my blood boiling and despite the anger i was feeling inside me fear followed right after.

How long were we going to be living like this.
How long was i going to continuously keep my son in danger because of psychopathy decided to take refuge in some people that inserted themselves in my life.

I needed to end this.

"Who are you going to kill?" Said another voice and my attention averted to my exact photocopy.
Right she was still around.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now