Chapter 6: August 29, 1979 🧁

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Katherine: What's wrong baby?

Michael: Oh, nothing--

Katherine: Come on boy, spit it out.

She pulled at his arm attempting to shake the information out. Searching deep in his eyes, she couldn't help but smile. Michael's eyes could never lie. Katherine knew all of her children like the back of her hand, but her connection with Michael was unique. He was special and needed her in a way that was different from her other sons. They were both empaths, taking the weight of the world on their shoulders. But the greatest burden was feeling the pain of each other. The past several years had been difficult for Katherine after learning of her husband's infidelities and the birth of an illegitimate daughter. It made her question her choices, her relationship, and even her faith, but Michael felt the betrayal equally, and oddly enough, the dissolution of her marriage made Katherine's relationship with her son even stronger.

Michael: I guess I just feel like I should be doing more--

Katherine: More!? Oh, baby, you've been working since you were six years old. What more could you want to do!?

Michael: I don't know... Maybe films or Broadway or--

Katherine: There you go, sounding just like your father! Now Michael, the only thing I knew how to do when I was your age was make babies--

Michael: Mother...

Katherine: -- Now I'm just saying, you've done so much! You've traveled the world and learned more than any school could teach you. You bring joy to so many people! Oh, Michael, you're so young... You won't be young forever. Why don't you go out and do what young people do, instead of hiding at home with your ol' momma all the time?

Michael: ... But I like hiding at home with you.

Katherine tugged his arm again, then smiled wider.

Katherine: I have a surprise for you.

Michael:... What is it?

Their matching grins turned mischievous as Katherine squeezed his hand, pulling him out the door. Her grip was tight and her stride was short as she walked with a limp down the hall. Michael could hear the familiar voices of his sisters in the kitchen, but it wasn't until he was close enough to see her face that he could recognize the third voice.

Michael: Nicole?

She was standing behind the kitchen counter making small talk with LaToya and Janet when she heard his footsteps approaching. Michael was across the room wearing dark khaki-colored pants and a thick grey sweatshirt pushed up to the elbows. She was relieved he looked pleasantly surprised, as she waved bashfully. Each busy with school and work, they hadn't been able to see each other since their date almost two weeks ago. Enhanced by the awkwardness of being watched by Michael's mom and sisters, they weren't sure how to greet.

Nicole: Hey there... Birthday Boy...

Michael: What are you doing here? --

Janet: Now is that any way to welcome a pretty girl!? Come on Michael, give her a hug!

Michael continued walking toward her cautiously, embarrassed and flustered from the stares of his teasing siblings. It wasn't until Nicole's arms wrapped around his waist and he could smell her familiar shampoo, that the rush of comfort fell over him again. He closed his eyes, holding the back of her head against his chest before softly kissing her cheek and reluctantly releasing her.

LaToya: Awww!

Michael: Hi.

Nicole: Your mom said it was okay that I come over...

I See Your Soul [An Original Michael Jackson Love Story] ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ