61 ||i'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day

200 8 13

laurel canyon


Jesse and I took the dogs for a walk the next morning. It doesn't matter how much we normally like running, there's no fucking way we're going for a jog this hungover. But we did feel bad for abandoning the dogs for a night, so walk it is.

"So, I know you won't lie to me," Jesse started, "What'd you think of Miles?"

I let out a laugh, "I told you last night! I like him, he's funny."

"He's not funny." Jesse counters.

"Yeah no, he's not."


"I mean, he is but he isn't. The stand up comedy thing on the side is, I don't know. Nice guy though!"

Miles tells jokes in the way he's waiting for you to laugh, because he just knows they're going to kill and he probably practiced his delivery a few times. Instead of the way everyone else does, which is just talk and funny things come out along the way.

Jesse does like him though, enough to kiss him at midnight. And a few other times after that. So I didn't want to just call him not funny in case that would offend her. 

"Yeah, heh. He's very nice."

"I didn't think nice was your type. That's all." I shrug.

"It isn't. But I think I need a little nice." Jesse decided.

"Where is Miles?" I asked, "Maybe he wants to come over for later? I'm grilling."

Jesse and were making our way back up to my house to drop me and Petunia off before she headed home.

"If he's welcome, I'll invite him."

"Why are you worried about what we think anyway?" I ask.

"I don't know. I just, I haven't dated a guy that didn't work for you guys in a while." Jesse tells me, Bruce pulling at her leash.

I nodded, it kind of slipped my mind that Jesse's right. She liked sound techs, engineers, song writers, she even went out with Casey from HV for a while.

Okay you know what, 'went out' is a little much, they slept together a lot on the Sounds Good Feels Good tour.


"Nice little change of pace. That's all." She says.

"Hey you want me to drive you home?"

"Where you headed?"

"I don't have any coffee and Mar's gonna freak out when she wakes up." I chuckle, remembering I have to get groceries for the BBQ later on.

"You really think she's still sleeping?"

I raise my brows at her.

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