43 || girls, girls, girls

263 10 3

brooklyn, new york
5:00 pm


Jesse flew to New York to swoop me up before heading back to London. She came a day early so we could have some best friend time, something we're seriously lacking in.

When she landed, I actually left work at a half decent time to pick her up from the airport. We hugged for a long time, unable to remember the last time we were together sans 5sos.

Over the last few days, Shay and I have been working day and night, at home, at the office, you name it we did it, to get these samples together for the fittings and walk through. We probably caught hepatitis from poking ourselves with our sewing needles and made ourselves cross eyed with our stitching, but this portion of the work is done and I'm so ready to get the hell out of here. I got it all done so I could give Jesse and my trip to London all my attention.

"So! I'm thinking, we pick up wine, snacks, dinner, maybe a movie!-"

"Jess I don't have a t.v."

"And then break so I can show you all the pictures of my house, and then we have a little packing party!"

"Okay, just that sentence exhausted the shit out of me." I chuckle.

"We only have a few precious hours of girl time before London, I want to cash in!"

"No I hear you, but girls night cannot have an itinerary. That goes against like the basic principal of a girls night."

"Mar I literally can't do anything without an itinerary."

"Okay fair enough. Let's drop your bags off first though? And then you can hit me with your itinerary."

Jesse shrieks and takes me into our third hug in the span of ten minutes. With anyone else it would be painful. Suffocating. Just too much. But with her it's just always been easy, always made sense, felt natural even.

After Jesse dropped her things off at my apartment we went back out to grab everything we could possibly need for a successful girls night. All the ingredients for a new cocktail to try, garbage (gossip magazines), a bottle of orange wine we know we like in case the cocktail turns out to be a massive fail, salty snacks, Hello Kitty skincare masks, etc. etc.

Once we were back at my place, I let Jesse rifle through my menu drawer in my kitchen so she can pick our dinner.

"Why are these in here? And not like, on the fridge or something?"

"The drawer is perfectly shaped." I shrug.

"Yeah for spatulas, and like, whisks."

"I only have one spatula."


"That's right. I have a drawer of just take out menus. I am not ashamed even though you're looking at me like I should be."

"Mar, you can totally cook what the hell do you need twenty five of these for?" Jesse whines, pulling more and more of the menus out of the drawer.

"There is not twenty five." I roll my eyes.

"There's twenty seven actually." She raises her brows at me.

"Just because I can cook doesn't mean I want to." All the prepping and then the cleaning after? Who needs it?

"Well ya should. Save some trees, look up recipes online." She teases, holding up the jerk chicken place down the street from Shay's.

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