4 || let me tell you about my best friend

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melrose blvd, los angeles


Over brunch, Jesse and I talked in circles. The party, who we talked to, what we drank, and the hangovers we woke up with that were gnarlier than expected. It's almost better than going out, the talking the next day.

We tried to talk about work and the weather, but she lives in L.A and just lost her job. So that was short lived.

"But oh my god wasn't it so fun seeing everyone?"

"The most fun."

"What about the other boys? Did you guys talk?"

"Here and there." I shrug, unable to really remember.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. Typical how are you how's life stuff. But it was just I don't know, maybe not the right place for anything else."

"Yeah maybe. Still though, they like, really miss you. Even Ashton." Jesse says, making me laugh.

He's always kinda been that way to me. Sort of mean but always as a joke. He and I used to have the type of hate you could only have with a sibling. Those are his words, he would know. I'm an only child.

"Really?" I ask, that's surprising to hear.

When we broke up -

When I left Luke, I couldn't stay in our apartment. I wasn't allowed to go home to Boston. I wasn't allowed to ask for the money for my own place. I had absolutely nowhere to go.

And as for the boys...

They were all mad at him for their own reasons.

For them, it was a no brainer to invite me to crash on Calum and Ashton's couch for almost a month, back when they used to live together in that little house in studio city.

We didn't start an "I hate Luke" club or anything. But I needed that support, needed somewhere to go while I figured out my next move. And I'll always be grateful for it no matter how long it's been or how silent.

"I mean, yeah. They even said so the night you called me. We were all together for the first time in a while." Jesse admits, frowning a bit.

"I missed it. Missed you there too." She admits.

I smile, unsure if I'm ready to say I missed all of it too. And Jesse let the silence linger for a bit, not pressing the issue as if she understood. Maybe she does.

"So! You kinda disappeared last night." Jesse mumbles, breaking the silence, putting a forkful of food into her mouth so she doesn't have to elaborate right away.

"Oh. Um. I didn't mean to." I shake my head, unable to remember how late or early it was when I ran off.

"Where'd you go?" She asks.

I also tried to remember if I saw her on my way out.

"Hotel." I nod.

"Oh! By yourself?"

"Yes...by myself." I furrow my brows.

"Did you, um talk to him?" Jesse finally asked, moving food around her plate instead of looking at me.

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