9 || the kickback

670 8 3

laurel canyon, hollywood hills


After her little disappearing act I tried really hard to just forget about it. But I was so fired up I went for a run for fucks sake. I don't even like running!

I just can't believe she's doing this to me again.

Amara just left. She said she wouldn't. Didn't she? Or did I delude myself into thinking that's what she promised by kissing me? And there it is again. Being unable to decide who I'm more mad at. Her or me.

I ran two whole miles and didn't stop for any breaks. It was just the perfect thing to numb my mind for a bit.

And when I got back home, the band was there with our head of management, Gwen, ready for our meeting I almost forgot about. And I had to sit there for a whole hour pretending my mind wasn't elsewhere completely.

What are the odds Amara books an earlier flight and leaves and doesn't come to the house?

After my shower I just couldn't sit or stand still. And since I'm 'off' - Whatever that means - I don't have any work to throw myself into. The album is done. The meeting's done. Now we just have to wait. I guess.

The band helped the caterers, telling them where to set up outside. And we were in full blown BBQ mode by two o'clock.

It took everything in me to NOT bring out a guitar.

Usually when we're all scattered about my house like this, it's the best time to write music. Or sing shitty covers of our favorite songs. Usually it depends on how drunk we are.

So it's best to leave the music thing to the shuffle button on Spotify, The Rolling Stones flooded through the speakers in my yard. Suddenly I'm grateful I got them installed. I was literally convinced I wouldn't ever use them. But here we are.

There's coworkers and friends in the pool, hanging around the grill with the guys who helped write our album with us. Sure it's starting to look like one of those pretentious Instagram parties. But it's just personal enough to not be.

"Hey, we're back." Michael says, hand in hand with his girlfriend.

"And we brought more cups!" Crystal chimes in.

"Ah, we were about to send a search party for you two." Calum teases.

Michael's holding a Target bag full of red solo cups with his free hand, flipping Calum off with the other.

Those bastards. They left over an hour ago, they're joined at the hip and still found it in them to probably fuck in the car.

Eh, I think. At least they didn't pick a room in my house.

"Put them down over there." I point to a table that had all our beer and variety of other alcohols.

Most importantly beer though.

"So!" Ashton claps, stunning me a bit and demanding everyone's attention.

We all stare, wondering if it's going to be good or bad news. With Ashton you can never tell.

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