Chapter 19 The Dress

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-5 months later-

As I slowly woke up I was temporarily blinded by the bright lights in my hospital room. When I was fully awake my aunt ran over to me and took my hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired, but... my child."

She nodded, "She's just fine. They're just cleaning her up, she'll be back in a moment."

I sighed in relief, "Thank goodness."

"Right. But have you thought about what you wanted to do about her?"

I sighed and shook my head, "Not really."

"But you need to. You can't go back home with another mans baby and expect your fiance to be okay with it."

I nodded, "I know. It's just so tough. Do we have any family back in China willing to take her in?"

"I believe so. I've got a daughter that still lives there. I'll call her and see what she says."

When she got up a nurse came in carrying something. And when she handed it to me, tears began to fall.

It's... Lalisa. She's the same as she was all those years ago. And it breaks my heart that I won't raise her. She doesn't deserve this this, but it's better this way. Maybe this way she can even stay safe. Because when Zhao Ren gets out of prison she will come after us again, and I don't want her to be exposed to it.

A few minutes later my aunt came back and nodded, "She said she would take her."

"That's great."

She sighed, "Are you sure you don't want to raise her?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but too many people would be hurt if I did."

"I see. Well, I'm going to take you home tonight and in week you've got to get ready for your flight back."

-1 week later-

Honestly it was way to early for me to be moving about, but I had to get back Kang Xi is expecting me. I told him he didn't need to meet me at the airport, because I would be okay. But I really just don't want him to see me coming home with Lalisa. 

Instead my aunts daughter is meeting me there instead, and that's where she will take Lalisa.

I plane ride back was exhausting because I was too afraid sleep with Lalisa with me.

When I finally got back to China I felt happy and sad. I was happy to see the man that I love, and sad to lose my child I only had a week ago.

And as expected, when I got to the airport in China I seen a young woman holding a sign, that read 'Wang Shu'.

I walked up to her and sighed, "Are you my aunts daughter?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yes, but please call me Maya."

"So Maya, are you sure you want to take Lalisa?"

"Of course. It's better she's with me anyway than being put up for adoption, because you can come and see her whenever you want."

"Yea... I don't know if I'll be seeing her that much."

Maya looked confused, "But she's your daughter."

"And she can't know that. All she's going to know is that you adopted her, I'm just some relative."

"Well, if that's what you want."

I nodded and handed Lalisa over to her, "It is."

She waved goodbye as I walked off, "Hope to see you soon."

I waved back, "Goodbye."

When I got outside I had to immediately start wiping away tears. I had pretended to act harsh, but what I did is killing me. But either way, I had to do it.

I soon sent a quick text to Kang Xi to tell him I was on my way.

When I got to his apartment I ran over and quickly knocked on the door, when Kang Xi opened it I immediately gave him a hug.

"Wang Shu! I missed you so much!" He said as he hugged me back.

"I missed you too. Have you been alright?"

He nodded, "Yeah, it's been pretty boring without you around though."

I blushed and covered my face, "Stop that, I just got back."

He chuckled and pulled me inside, "Okay, okay. But I was thinking... nah nevermind."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, while you were gone I thought maybe when you get back you can move in with me, because we're getting married soon anyway."

"Of course, that's a great idea. So when did you want to have the wedding?"

He hummed in thought, "Maybe... this weekend?"

"This weekend? So soon?"

"Yeah, why not? If we wait and announce it to the public, there'll be too much attention. This way we can invite only our close friends and family."

I quickly nodded, "Sure, I think its a great idea."

When I said that we both looked at each other and we both smiled. It's about to happen. We're about to get married.

-The Next Day-

Since we had basically no time to prepare I went to the bridal shop to look at dresses.

I didn't want anything too flashy, but also not too plain, and definitely not white.

One of the employees took me around the store and showed me all my options. Nothing seemed right until a light blue dress caught my eye. Light blue has always been my favorite color, and I absolutely adored the dress.

(Imagine This)

I pointed to the dress and tried to hide my enthusiasm, "That one

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I pointed to the dress and tried to hide my enthusiasm, "That one."

She nodded, "Great choice."

As I left the shop I clutched the box to my chest. This is so exciting. I'm going to marry the man I love and we'll be happy together.

But the more I thought about our future the more Zhao Ren would show up in my mind. I know she's in prison, but she'll be getting out in less than fifteen years. And I know when she get's out she's not going to be happy.

Authoress Wang ShuWhere stories live. Discover now