Chapter 16 The Camera

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-Wang Shu POV-

As Kang Xi looked at me, tears started to form in his eyes, "I... I missed you so much. I just wish I had realized it sooner."

I nodded and pulled him into a hug, "I missed you too, I... I love you Kang Xi."

After a few minutes Kang Xi hummed in thought, "We need to find Zhao Ren, now."

"Where do you think she is?"

"Right now? Probably at home, so we should probably hurry if we want to see her."

"Wait, let's wait until she's not home. Then we can search her place for evidence."

He nodded, "That's right, she has cameras in her place. Maybe she filmed herself hurting Hayoon."

I quickly got up and got dressed, "Well, then we should probably get ready."

He got up as well and in about ten minutes we were ready.

When we got in his car and started to drive to Zhao Rens I started to get nervous. This isn't the same as it was hundreds of years ago. We're not royalty anymore and we could get in real trouble for what we're about to do.

Kang Xi must have noticed my nervousness because he took my hand and smiled, "It's going to be just fine."

"But we don't know that for sure." I said.

"Yeah we do."

I looked confused, "What? No we don't."

"Remember last time, it went perfectly for us."

I scoffed, "You call that perfect? You and our children died."

"I know, but that's because Zhao Ren was let out of jail. They won't let her out this time."

"Well if everything is going to be the same as last time she's going to get out of prison somehow."

"I... but if that's the case there's nothing we can do about it anyway."

I sighed and lowered my head, "Yes there is."

"Really? What?"

"We... we don't have to be together. I love you more than anyone, but is it worth it to you to die another painful death, just so you can be with me?"

"Yes." He quickly answered.

My eyes went wide as looked at him, "What did you say-"

"I said, yes. You see, I would do anything for you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I was drawn to you. There was no fighting my feelings and the more I seen you, those feelings only got stronger. Now... I would die for you."

As he spoke my tears started to fall, "Kang Xi... I didn't know you felt that way about me."

"You're not upset are you?"

I quickly shook my head, "No, of course I'm not mad."

He flashed a smile over to me, "That's great."

I laid back in the seat and tried to relax, but then I heard him chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was thinking, hopefully some things are different from the past. Like you're not having Minjuns kid or nothing like that, obviously."

When he said that I nearly choked on the air I breathing, "Kang Xi! I-"

He then looked at me with concern lacing his eyes, "Wang Shu, are you okay?"

I nodded and tried to maintain composure, "Yeah, I was just a little surprised."

"Ah, well it's fine."

I took a deep breath and smiled, "Yea... just fine."

Soon after I said that, the car slowed to a stop and Zhao Rens home came into view. I looked around and I didn't see her car, "I think we're good."

He quickly looked around and nodded, "Yea, let's hurry. Hopefully she doesn't come back."

Before we got out of the car we grabbed our masks so hopefully we wouldn't be recognized on any camera footage.

When we were at the door he lifted up a small flower pot where a spare key was hiding. He held it up and chuckled, "You know, she always told me that if I wanted to come over for a good time, that she kept a key under the flower pot... guess it finally got some use."

I busted out laughing at his remark and pushed him inside, "Stop joking and let's look around."

He nodded and the first thing he did was start opening cabinets, "I'll look around here, you go find the cameras."

I did as I was told and scanned the walls and ceiling, but the nothing could be seen. "I don't see any. Do you think she actually has cameras in here?"

"Oh, I know she does. They're just hidden somewhere."

I took a deep breath and continued to look, but then suddenly something caught my eye. He was right, there sitting between some books was a small camera. I quickly grabbed it and removed the memory card from it.

"Okay, I found it." When I looked back over to Kang Xi he was looking in a cabinet confused, "What's wrong?" I asked.

He pointed in the cabinet, "Why the hell is this in the kitchen?"

I looked inside and seen a large bottle of antifreeze. "What the?"

Kang Xi chuckled, "Why would that be here? It's not like she cooks with antifreeze- wait a minute!"

When he said that my eyes went wide, "This could be how she killed her."

"But how can we know for sure? She's already dead."

"Wait, her doctor said when her tests results came in, he would tell me. But in the meantime we can watch the camera footage. There could be something on there."

-Zhao Ren POV-

I left home early today and I went to the mall to do some shopping.

It was all going well, but my phone buzzed from a notification. Ooh, who could it be?

When I glanced at the screen I became confused. It read, Your living room camera has detected motion.

I quickly opened up my security app and I seen two people coming into my house.

One looked like a man and the other was probably a woman. Who could they possibly be? When the two people started to speak my eyes went wide and I gasped.

It's Kang Xi and Wang Shu, why the hell are they in my house. I'll fucking kill them.

I took a deep breath and ran back to my car, I have to get there and stop them. I can't let them destroy me like last time.

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